**Due to the fact that the ALPHA DELTA DX-CC antenna approximates a half
wave dipole (although greatly reduced in length), the method of mounting or
installing it does not present some of the problems associated with other types of
antennas. Towers, trees, wooden utility masts, etc. may all be employed as the
support structure for the ALPHA DELTA DX-CC!
*Refer to Figure No. 1: The DX-CC may be installed as in inverted seem flat top
dipole, sloping dipole, etc. The inverted vee configuration seems to be the
easiest for most amateurs to utilize. It has several benefits, such as requiring but
a single central support structure for the DX-CC center insulator. Remember,
though the ALPHA DELTA DX-CC was designed for compromise installations
where there are space limitations. A little thought will allow the DX-CC to be
installed in spaces normally thought to be too small for an antenna for these
frequency bands!
*Tower mounting height for the DX-CC will require some form of "stand-off" for
support of the DX-CC center insulator. A spacing of 18" or more away from the
tower will rove adequate.
*Mounting height for the DX-CC is not overly critical. However, as with most half-
wave antennas, the higher and in the clear, the better. Let the space you have
available dictate the mounting height and scheme of installation. The antenna
has been tested at a height of 35 ft. Lower heights may cause higher VSWR.
*The introduction of your DX-CC into a tower system employing multiple guy
wires or other wire antennas may cause detuning of the DX-CC antenna. This
may be evidenced by a shift in the resonant frequency or increase in the
minimum VSWR of the antenna. Try to keep the DX-CC as "in the clear" as
possible. Installing the DX-CC so that it is in a different plane than guy wires will
help, as will "breaking" the guy wires with strain insulators. For some
installations, it may be necessary to employ the use of an antenna tuner to
overcome this detuning situation.
*The DX-CC utilizes the exclusive ALPHA DELTA ISO-RES coil principle for
shortening and multibanding an antenna. The ISO-RES is not a trap, due to the
fact that there isn’t a trap capacitor being used. Thus, the DX-CC is a much lower
"Q" antenna than one that would be constructed using true traps! This allows the
DX-CC to be broader in bandwidth than is possible with a trap-type antenna of
equal size. The lower "Q" also allows the user to employ a moderate range