This sets the initial bias or offset from zero volts as a percentage of 0-5V.
By setting an output’s Level to 0, Offset can then be used as programmable constant voltage
output useful for internal and external modulation and even preset storage.
This allows for the phase shift on a waveform.
Keep in mind phase wraps. Shifting a trigger pulse with a greater than 50% width by more
than 50% can cause unexpected double triggering.
This is the percentage likelihood a ’step’ will occur or be skipped with no effective output.
Random patterns created using this function can be looped across beats (using the
rameter) and saved.
Euclidean Patterns
Euclidean rhythms are made from a simple algorithm which takes a numbers of steps and
triggers (active steps) and produces a pattern based the on hits being as equidistant from
each other as possible. See
for more info.
Pamela is able to map Euclidean patterns to an output and to then skip steps when they are
not triggered. This can used to build up rhythmic patterns. The Loop parameter can also be
used to ’reset’ non 4/4 patterns.
Four parameters are available for setting up a pattern.
The parameters are:
4.7.1 Steps
Sets the number of steps used for a full Euclidean pattern. Steps must be greater than zero
for other parameters to appear.
4.7.2 Triggers
Sets the number of ‘triggers’ or ‘hits’ for Euclidean pattern generation. Must be more than zero
and less than the number of steps to produce a pattern.
4.7.3 Rotate
Rotates the defined Euclidean pattern by the specified number of steps effectively changing
the patterns start position.