Preliminary Release
Examples: tnp=23<CR> tnp=1000<CR> tnp=65535<CR>
5.9 Gateway Address
The 2288 must be given the gateway router IP address within its LAN subnet group. Normally it
is the first IP subnet address ending in 1.
Examples: gw=<CR> gw= gw=<CR>
5.10 Subnet Mask
The 2288 must be given a subnet mask. The default is
Examples: sm=<CR> sm=
5.11 RS-232 Data Rate
The 2288 has a DB9 connector to permit using an RS-232 interface. The asynchronous data
format is one start bit, eight data bits, and one stop bit with no parity. The data rate can be set
to one of five possible rates: 1200 bps, 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps (default), and 19200 bps.
Examples: dr=1200<CR> dr=2400<CR> dr=4800<CR> dr=9600<CR> dr=19200<CR>
5.12 Anti-streaming Timer
The transmitter key on time is timed to prevent disrupting the channel. The maximum on time
is the anti-streaming time defined in seconds. The default is 120 seconds. This is most often
invoked when performing testing with a CW carrier that is activated remotely.
Examples: ast=120<CR> ast=9999<CR>
5.13 Telnet Session Activity Timer
The 2288 times activity when engaged in Telnet communications. If there is inactivity for more
than the specified time duration in seconds, the Telnet session is automatically terminated. The
default Telnet session activity timer default is 120 seconds.
Examples: tnt=300<CR> tnt=9999<CR>
Alligator Communications Model 2288 Technical Manual REV3.0 Copyright © 2018
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