Wireless technology continues to
advance as users look for ways to
connect their ever-increasing array of
devices. This evolution includes not only
the increased bandwidth delivered by
IEEE 802.11n, but also security and other
Within an enterprise environment, the
rapid adoption of Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) has seen a significant
increase in the number of devices that
need to be supported.
The benefits of mobility and BYOD
include greater flexibility, performance,
and staff satisfaction, but these need to
be carefully balanced with organizations’
concerns around security. As the
number of devices increases, so too
does the size of the wireless network
along with the burden of management.
Ensuring performance and staff
satisfaction in a dynamic environment
is particularly challenging and
results in an increased Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) as a result of the
Radio Frequency (RF) planning and
management that is required.
An intelligent, unified control system
is essential for reducing operational
Unified Wireless Controller
expenditure as it provides the ability
to manage the infrastructure, security,
mobility, and services — with many of
these being updated automatically in real
The Allied Telesis UWC Series has
been designed specifically to meet the
requirements of enterprise organizations
and addresses key concerns about
mobility, security, and TCO.
The UWC Series controls a number of
Allied Telesis TQ Series wireless access
points and centralizes the provisioning,
operation, administration, and
maintenance for the entire enterprise
wireless infrastructure. As a complete
solution, this reduces the headaches
involved with managing, upgrading, and
troubleshooting, thereby improving the
experience for users and IT staff.
The Allied Telesis Unified Wireless
solution delivers a rich feature set
that includes seamless mobility, client
location tracking, and extensive security
The UWC Series provides flexible
deployment options and is available as a
hardware appliance or a software-based
The AT-UWC-Install software-based
solution may be installed on any
industry-standard server or on a virtual
machine as a Cloud-based application.
This Software-as-a-Service (SAAS)
model provides a number of advantages
including a simpler set-up resulting in a
more cost-effective deployment.
As a hardware-based appliance, the
AT-UWC-60-APL conforms to the
traditional dedicated server model.
The Allied Telesis Unified Wireless Controller (UWC) Series has
been designed specifically to meet the requirements of enterprise
» Simplified Plug and Play
» RF management and control
» Flexible data forwarding
» Wireless IPS
» Enterprise class security
» Guest access
» End-to-end Quality of Service
» Seamless mobility
» Resilience
» Wireless controller grouping
» Graphic network visualization