Tune Your Machine for Producing Parts
Chapter 10
Start of Zone for Pressure Transition
A non-zero value (measured from mold end) forces the QDC module NOT
to transition on pressure until the ram (screw) reaches this zone (figure
10.3). Use this setpoint to prevent nuisance pressure transitions due to
pressure spikes during the early phases of the injection profile. Typically,
you can inhibit pressure transitions over 50% of shot size without flashing
the mold.
Figure 10.3
Static Setpoints for the Injection Profile
Mold end
Shot Size
Transition Position
Zone for Pressure Transition
Direction of Ram (Screw) Travel
Cavity Pressure for Transition
If using a cavity pressure sensor, the QDC module monitors this pressure
setpoint (along with the others you programmed) to determine transition
from injection to pack. Choose a setpoint under the mold flash point. The
Minimum Position for Pressure Transition IPC64 also applies to this
pressure transition setpoint.
Time Limit for Transition
The QDC module transitions from injection to pack (or hold) if the total
injection profile time equals or exceeds this setpoint. Use this value as a
safety watchdog if some condition prevents the injection profile from
completing in a timely fashion.
We presented guidelines to assist you in determining Unselected Valve
Set-output Values (words 09 through 12 in configuration command blocks)
in chapter 7 prior to spanning your machine valves in chapter 9. The value
in these words is the signal level sent to all outputs not selected for control
by the QDC module’s algorithm during a profile.
Unselected Valve
Setoutput Values