Load Initial Profile Values
Chapter 8
Pressure Setpoints
(IPC10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, and 50)
Use these words when configuring pressure vs. position or time profiles.
Enter pressure in PSI or Bar. Each pressure setpoint controls the pressure
of its corresponding segment. You may use from 1 to 11 segments in your
profile. The procedures in chapter 9 require all eleven.
Record the initial value of one-half system pressure for all 11 pressure
setpoints on Worksheet 8-A.
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial values.
For additional information, refer to the Plastic Molding Module Reference
Manual (publication 1771-6.5.88).
EndofSegment Position Setpoints
(IPC11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, and 47)
Use these words to configure velocity or pressure vs. position profiles.
The procedures in chapter 9 require that you use all 10 position setpoints.
Determine end-of-segment position setpoints for your velocity vs. position
injection profile for use in chapter 9 as follows:
Back up the ram (screw) from the mold end to its maximum position
and read this length in SYS25 (N40:177).
Divide this length by 11 to use all segments of this profile. The
dividing line for each segment is a multiple of this division.
For example, if the ram travel distance in step 1 was 11”, the
11-segment profile has dividing lines at 1” intervals. That is,
end-of-segment positions are 1”, 2”, 3”, ... 9” and 10”.
Important: Measure end-of-segment positions from mold end.
Mold End
Direction of Ram (Screw) Travel
Seg 11 Seg 10 Seg 9 Seg 8 Seg 1
Record end-of-segment position setpoints on Worksheet 8-A.
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial values. For
additional information, refer to the Plastic Molding Module Reference
Manual (publication 1771-6.5.88).