Страница 1: ...FLYiIG 5 il AgSEMBIYSECIION ENSB tI BiusHLlss SPEED OilnruERlGr llloil Sl GGESIlOtl Escfffl xltE Etfit t0 3GX FLYBARLESS S STEIII II 5IATUTIOIiI 3 rff tlftmEf t0 CANOPY ASSEMBTY tfils ll EIECTRIC ECI...
Страница 2: ...Ff 1 iq G4 EiF mrFE ErE 6 4 l E tfl F qFF Teo o F tsr6 F E 6FEE F 16 mfi l rrFqeff l rl tr EBEJETA JffiTFBl4 i1 S ru F4aB ft6E i E tr Fi trl tr8ffi8 PEfrEsEE ffi T ESfiT lance of an experlencedpilot b...
Страница 3: ...u56ior other purPoso 2Efi i6r0r Eg8 ffid 4 18 ffi E 1685itrS 6 Ere mEffiFF6 18 fizi64 trzmm e 4 91 a il 91 rilrlwffim Beiore iurningonyourmodelandllansnitt6r chl on the samelr quency Frequ ncl Interl...
Страница 4: ...1 trl rF x1 U PoB lt ry Ch lr RCC aCX Ll Potilit Rcc4cx 4n r t ttilE t25D3G Carbon flb blade x lset 425D3cff l frlx 1l RC 8L500 X Brushl 33 molo x l RcM BL5ooMx Flfrlx 1 RCE BL70GBrushloss ESC RcEBL70...
Страница 5: ...c u e th ptus rooseand iEXfr E FAffi s5H ffi i iE i i iensrxE s nints i i r iil s gqfil rs sura out ol conarol ada iF iii66frEr iiti ieqe rr ext lE T 8 8ffi 8ffi E SElEFiE Flx nr n m s u rgsk8 t 6tc r...
Страница 6: ...fth luo FTAXFdE F AfiFA 4Irin 6ett4t 0 at Ft4rs itE 4Etrdh t6 i i BFB M3 X o17sre 77nm Applygm on thrult b arinq ouT B F6 th rinq sh ltrle ve tut l ll fi EE30E Spindl b lring tpac r ittr a r6 9flS 1th...
Страница 7: ...dlq t 5qE M2 3 r17t4 smn 6r T o r pl s ch c r lh s 6EE Edpi rFl daid fifl t ltEettialn tEnneltfilM 12mm i 2 tBtitt tF O rlr iiF E9 lsg...
Страница 8: ...ternwlth sockat scr w E e6tfra6fi rEeu fr ffigF 4fi i M2 5r6mm 4 v u Lalrliletrfl M2 5r0nm x4 raf Main llam6 assombly polnt Firstdo nottully tlghtenlhe 3crew3of m6inframos Psttho mainshaltth oughlhe t...
Страница 9: ...f lo dftlc r n ds td n nnrnrr bul Fl dd it n d 4n t SHts tH Beg fli r n F r ntln ln n i ct tYPr r i n Dbdud l rr dyd mbl d by F bly pr r cl k 9 1n It ira rEt6ttE a ttEr Ltnk c b lll 2x3 1 d CIF ia1M2r...
Страница 10: ...9 EE6ee6 sooPROH ragon l bolt E Aaai 36r ry Longunbr rl t r rr tEi6e a et 6te 68 T lr rotor h tt 36hbly lEtiarc Otb rF6iE tl M2sxrhh xr otts ad ns Aockelcollar cw se o3xo12r2 hn r2 aF6t Ellfl M2 r6hi...
Страница 11: ...ll rolor h lt un moolhly itirii rj ur eee es nl a8Grl daircc j ll whl le 535emblvth lid h ft p1 u uhabl nounl otT22 th thr d Plea donotu3 R46 anaeroblc r taln ror otho hlqh tr ngth gru to tu S gffgif...
Страница 12: ...2 rF4r B tttilo2 lomn r 2 fir b rlrg on rh torqu6l b votd CAgtu dh rinr toth do r Ing luck wh n Es mbllng Intoth tait boomi pt6 ppty on tr rh hold rlrlolh l il boomhorlzont nv l 5 t gH d Eifr tx t rE...
Страница 13: ...aj tt aanra trq iil ilnnq t 6 lilF r F6r6ddn r n nuf dor p cr r k dy mbl d byF crorypl s ch ck a in il cl FflrFlyt C d nd P frrl r iuFEE a tiEnx6lml6a ir Li 1 4 6 11 Nl i i d 4 v2x35 o4 7r 1 nm r 1 0...
Страница 14: ...o1xr0 gmm x1 autororr on Lrr drrs g r Efld 8 A tf a L Dr sOOPRO 9 n ll rc d min drlE g t Flat h ad lftrpping cr w IndEi EE4tt r3x6nn x6 Alb dv hbl d bv f c t Bofob flvlno o1 Ah ct crei id ix d whh ol...
Страница 15: ...r ca nblhe lh notor pirlon9 r nd n h d iF g6 r th horlzonl l diat n mull b wltnin r mn EiaelE af l Fl FEErllnm tE lF67 Ei tli M3r0hm r 2 rA Fl Y Ul fl _ tqJ wE whn finng th w ol Phid g n p ln 5 ttn no...
Страница 16: ...it6te HaE Esc in lall llon loc lon button h d 6 lll Pplng aE tt r2 6xr4mm r2 Us HoopandLoopTape tapeth Hoop side hooked onthe balterymountingplat andlh Loopside fuzzy onthe battery tolix the batleryin...
Страница 17: ...t P en b u d ll h llcopL srLno6 vibr tion Induod flisht in t blllty HMsr It thl till d6 n t cud th ptbLm pL chel th h ll6pbr n ch nlc nd ninlnl4 m ch nicalvlbr llonli or Fdue th h6 t p d 3 Pt ecuE lth...
Страница 18: ...5 t d E9 Ig a 5ro l I Eo d Pd 99 5 62 z9 I t g I e xg out afiE i E fl6A ots4 lJtd di ll ilpH F fiE gss fi t d E r E 4 tsa tsi u SF g NE HHi 6 qE 6g a q x r aH fin U fl Ee n4 fl I P e q F EBEBBEB fffi...
Страница 19: ...ns i rli ii ac Jtr d th6holicopror Thon Mhfor 3socondsmake tallsedo ia iiiiicrr issemHv mustbecorectlv lix d aboulInth middleof th lravel of tail ilaot amute oengq4fllt i frF ffi r0 46 1d aEifr tBEcFr...
Страница 20: ...hlgh n li E ult in 3hon r fgit dur ti6 anddr n tor Erlom n s S fihg lh lhronb to prrld hlghr od l Dr i hbL to Inc 4hg th Ph n i hlgh l f E Pllch SFElt 2fl 114 5 2 ifrE E SU OrSfl66tsE1S J Sr tLlgdti...
Страница 21: ...sorscombinedwithadvancedcontroldet ctionroutin lgherhoverlngand aerobaticstabilitvthan othornvbarles33vst m Ed mfi da E d 6 t H i qE q tr dT fi r ft FEmsF 9fi mfr a 3 ri3 gyrGcoplc flybarlesssyst mto...
Страница 22: ...9SA AtFn F i ifi E 4fr8 l ta fi R iEHffi ffi l63Ffftlt Ere6ElEjflfi mtF Fffii AfrEEd FftEp 5 A sub t iil H u E iqE nl fiF 1fi l Connsctallwlresas iii S5 ili lll r lunction which can bo utlll2 d l done...
Страница 23: ...E SiFLftqlD1 te R rEffi3GxA ft Kyl CeltR rGXt c nsnds ts3cxs Ft g E0 f FIFgE E9 JE flTg 5Htr9 FABff Eer o rBHfrI EJf 8 F lE 4 3 iE ff FEhFia c fiI 1 ffifltFETEJEF3GxE sr DBry trFSHrGXgFt6q e ffitLED r...
Страница 24: ...vbar ess lf 6EE q IsEFi No0e if pressed for more lhan 2 secon 3Gx will enter govemor 8fr80fl68j62 3cxg ti ffiAEFd HEFE oIR EE ESC BATT 8iB r t iorPllAlL andELEinpuls servo movonent ornomovement alal p...
Страница 25: ...ageCompensalion SwashMix Mixing 3 ch AFR 19ta 112 l xu3 ffi 55 r2 l Pithsr hfR r12 121o 14 SFSEEIK F 6 its JH s ryos endpoints should b done hrough mi ing tunction AlLswashAFR Oonotadjusl endpoinls th...
Страница 26: ...E REv EigFentrtrFro EElSit ic fi 8Etr6rdE5tri Helic plsr tilting tums E 3 E REVelevalorreverses tup mode E REVtf PEIIiEEAUEIA Swashplats coroction diroclion ss dEEE1 iE Helicoplertlfil tG lE6 il A LIM...
Страница 27: ...orsubsequenr serup mode iaentercd byasnsie press oflh sEr willexilifnoactivity isdetect d in1O seconds 3Gx Flvb iessi BmE qg 6Ll fr AfriEffi6lidtF lm760 ssXfr t0Futaba s9256 se251 BLs251 Hrl u rFi 3cx...
Страница 28: ...r fiDslAsjlE Ds AsrEu En fIEEOfiEFU rUtlDs srArushFE 4FtrAs srArushfi ldffi Uslng an analog3 rvo in DS modo will causo damage3to th rvo dDsllttT E ASX i6 m t 6 t tlE lF H a Fortailpitch adJu tmonl c n...
Страница 29: ...EDcIEffi SEEEtl i ft lEll Effi STA ffi gu RUD 2 TheDELAY function isulilizsdwhenslowerruddersorvocauses tailhunting wagging Thiscanbeobserv d aflera hovering com stosetop lf lailhunting occurs gradual...
Страница 30: ...lolindthe max mum gdrnwilhoullaill untinq Thiscrn onlybeoo e ouldb670 80 forhovedng 60 70 foridle up Valueshould gainwiihout lailhuntins iEE50 FtFefitsdE60 aEE50 100 F ufituuE fTEEEftsl E HESSfrt6E Sl...
Страница 31: ...5 5V 25 2V 2_6s Li Po f 1 rsthfi F5EfifE6 l0 EEl G ilEE 2 fills i tchi nsBEc e ErR r FFE l 5cirUt0 StUjGg XfE 0liEEAflE pclf 2 4c ft r t3 l Bmk Option 3s ilinssthatinclude Brake disabled soft blak Ha...
Страница 32: ...n loent rS tup Mod lllhothrotllo isinanyothof notenterinlo usermode for Aircraft Locator lf lho aircraflshouldlandorc Flost th pilor canenab16 th Ancrafi ntheESCdoes notreceivea signaltrcrn lh Locaior...
Страница 33: ...nFdn d r rlia lFtE taa s tfit EE tFtn tdbe FKbEsc E Ettt lnttt rJ N e rqwd Ji r m r fJ dffi Frd r ATRUCTTOT 9 ONA4 ti iamtoDE NormalAkplane Glider Mode Opl Thisoplion isapplled losenerala H licopt6r I...
Страница 34: ...minitialsetupneedto beperlormed again Relerlop g6 23 Flyba sssystsminitaal s lup TheDitchof helicoDter willrem in lo6keduniilsuccessful iniiializalion lflh inilializalion prcc s6 ir unabl tocomplet wi...
Страница 35: ...holicopteras shown Oncethe hellcoptersropsrotaring ih holicopt as CGcan bs soonatwnere lhe headis ooiniino r lativc tothemainshafl ffigilEErS bE ffiE ll 0lzr E iFl EFil irl9 n HF66l Ere 5rtifiEd g t r...
Страница 36: ...moving according lo thecontrols OFollow th lransmitte s instruclion manual todoa rang lest O IEMEEE EA HEg O NAS BffiGIEEEft FI f q__ W ll ONtStep2 OFFI Step3 d ll Connect totheh licoDtsr oowsr ReveB...
Страница 37: ...epalhof lherolorcar fully lfthetwo lowerlhanlh olherblade adjusithetrackingimm 1 firfftfiFQ 9 t6 ft 21tltfflG EP5E 3i ft trltrt 3 3ffia ffiltltr A Whenrotaling the bladewithhig B Whenrotaling rh Ewth...
Страница 38: ...thethrcttle stick z Move lhenoseofthehelicoplerlo rudd rElickin th oDDoslte d r f 1ttt dPl F rightor l ft and 2 t6 UfiFA0rd6 _ t r _ r _ pracnce wnhrn n eclrdeloin tr r Afr ryouar tEmiliar wif St p I...
Страница 39: ...l EE E mcft EfiTr jr bnqEbv6rodtF 8li l 1t ifrlji 8li fi fidFlll t s E tz GEfrFTE fliE fir ffiAt fi Sfrt 8 0i 1EUT E12 hE UsingFulaba12ZH lransmllter aaanexample DlFataba i2zHtE h0l Whilein DlRselupno...
Страница 40: ...b FpEm tiflc nF L furight xJrflnsrcs TurntheAlL g in di lon oontrolbox countorclockwl o 10 d 9 at tlm untllo cillationl ellmln t d 8 tt Ipfrlffi_10ltlEE inE UEIFE 1089 D tE4rt r F sdo or6hcr inconrrot...
Страница 41: ...s6ruppoGdure n6ed to be pe formedagah Swash Ma Mixns AcceleEiion and oll er rr Lliv mixingtunctionsin a B comp nsation sMsh Mx Mtins Accer6 ton EflIr a 9 connectjonsb tws niybadess controlunit6nd rec...
Страница 42: ...ametel E lEflgrgZSmm TailRolorDlaneter EFXE8 2o6mm MorolPlnton cea fi i 8m r2T MainDrive cea O Fr 847 Autorotatlon TallDrive cear EES g 1457 TallDriv cea EI1lA8 aol Drlve coarRatlo 8m 3 b 1rt t t 7 4...