Align Combo T-REX 550E Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Combo T-REX 550E


Страница 2: ...spacel ETSSEgH o10x o138x0 4mm LinkageballA M3 5x4 5 LRTFA M3 sxa5 o5x29mm Obverse of bearing faces inside EOR6CIffiD E Apply grease on thrust bearing tffi saEiHiBE i Feat eril g shdt FF o 6x6 b g Zm...

Страница 3: ...lGrf n E Long linkage ball M3x3 UffiFFIF 13XO 64 75ta4 59mm C Socket collar screw BEBAETOEHffi M3x20mm screw Mg ltlut r43SbFXffitE N x o dN Dx 9 5 Ooi o R a3 VS 9 er Main shatt m O6xO10x1zmm Bearing s...

Страница 4: ...ER E Whentighteninga sclew to a plastic part pleasetighten it firmly but not overtightened or they will stilp ffiftNffiEPl ffi MEH iHEEIHXED q RTiE 0 fl7tq gs rr F5 manufactory package it the product...

Страница 5: ...x 2 Nut ffif Linrase talt l Applya little amountot T43 thread t lockwhenlixinga metalPart r n hHfi RdElTc EE iEE lj Fft p DS6l OServo DS6l0EtR DSBI o Servo D56101dflF38 w Servo spacel 1ETR B4H DS620 S...

Страница 6: ...screw EffiAAEffi i M3xBmm Metal plate R FESFg51F 1fi 39 5x25x5mm Collar Tailrotor shaft assembly ES EEFS H FSEEfEffiF o124xo18x1omn aluminum standoff rffil i A Bady rsmbbd by F ctory I BeioE flying pl...

Страница 7: ...Factory pl s clFck again if screws are firrt sEunrd and rith soD ghF 3r tilRE3tB EitE e6 Frt ll Apply a littleamount ofT43thread t lockwhenlixinga metal part 7 ffiffiiHFBmSE4EtrEitsE 43 FstrF tr Soal...

Страница 8: ...E o I 4x7 5xl 0mm w HEFn ESFHtfi M3x22mm Apply a littleamount off43 thread lockwhen fixing a metal part fr Sffi N THFtrffiETT43 ffi 1P M3 Nut M3EbFiffiIE Socketscrew tsFftrr Effi M3xBmm Sod etbutton h...

Страница 9: ...I4 3 Rffi F When tight6ning a sc Ew to a plastic part pleaso tighten it firmly but not ovel or they will For original manufactory packagel if the product is already assembled by Factory pleas6 check a...

Страница 10: ...FtsSETd o 115xo 1 O8mm xl tF Sod et collar screw ErFE ES H M3x20mm xl E 3ffiF HExj StandardEquipment Mainshaftspacer 0 5 Mainshaftspacer 0 3 FEffi gssH o s o 10 lx o 14x0smm 2 o When tighiening a scr...

Страница 11: ...g l HFhn EE T3x6mm M4 Set scfeuv M4lti9ffiti M4x4mm lD Apgt ru rilt of Trlll rhned rI7 locirf rfr rxtdFrt r tSEtrtstIFEEEtf lCtt wlEn tEl niE scrrlD a plastic part pleese tbhbn it frmly but rEt mr qtE...

Страница 12: prevent anY sliP iil H F H EH H HE w H fi E ffii R c EIffi 6 ffi Hook and LooP Tape tuzzy FfiD 5Effi Use Adhesive foam or Hoop Loop tape to fix L Effig6E4Ef il688 NOTE When installing the sPeed co...

Страница 13: ...of the helicopteras s hown ii diagram lgvgl anUawayfrom vibrationsources lf excessvibrationfrom helicopterframeis affectino flybarlesssensorscausinginsiability two sensor foamscan be usedto mountthe...

Страница 14: ...c v n o z DI Lla I 5e t I F3 3 I g f I erEg h t 9 E IIRJEEl l o g m lI o s3 r 96 Fi fi6fr d R Fil ffi E m m o o o P g E a r H ffi H o o o q 5i oE 3C o o o i l i c vg 4 g l G q s G trH f c m U tr lFlo...

Страница 15: switch on the aboutTo o and after transmittersefting connectto BEc powerto work on tail Note When ail rudderstick and the helicopter Thenwait for 3 seconds maketail servo arm and tail must be corre...

Страница 16: ...ult in shorterfight dlrttir and Poormotor Performance S Settingthe throttle to providea higherspeed is pr frra lo increasingthe Pitchtoo high 1 ffiffE Pitch ffi r f0 t1s 2 EAEf EEEEE g 1 97r 8ftfi0 F5...

Страница 17: ...iabledesign Edr EEE E ffitsqF HR 9la tt 98 ft11 ffi Directmode for neutral ftfi F fi E Rudder gyro Eil reversesettings RudderServoReverse settings EBEFUffiEJERHEftE Aileronendpointssettings EIJHffi EE...

Страница 18: ...rmechaniciiiiavet and neutralpointsetup ornfidf fiEF fi EEil I Enter theDIRsettings Hi i m DtReE uo o QE o trw Pressand holdthe SETbuton whilepoweringupthe receiver Release the buttonwhenLED 1 5begint...

Страница 19: ...2 1EFSREE 5 Cvclic pitch setup Eifi lr5 r GftffiEEEQE function AlLswash AFR Donotadjust through theservoAVAFR function madeto theendpoints orsubtrims onthetransmitter lrlesssystem initial setupmustbep...

Страница 20: ...ffE t E l EfrElP ffiffiEiIhqt tr iffi 510 lEiEEEEAEffi IIR ffi Eg IEff Effif d rySTATU SEffiE EA re Eg 6E C Helicopter tilting direction H trf EE ffitrFfj EE OO lLj iEtEv 2c ISET 4 A LIMaileronendpoi...

Страница 21: ...miring O Rudder O Pitch o 1 1520 us ratesetup 1520 us 3G Flybarbss 1z s narrowframerateservos suchas Futaba59256 59251 BLS251 aswellas the standard1 Properframeratemustbe selectedbasedon your servo s...

Страница 22: ...fiH AEF8 ilS FI dfrF38 HR 3 Rudderservo directioncheckand link adjustment N Eft Effi IEUFF IEI SISSIEF Movethe transmitter rudderstickleft right and checkfor the the transmitter s REV reverse function...

Страница 23: ...e SETbuttonfor 2 secondsto enterthe setupmode then pressthe SET buttonto selectDELAYsetup mod6 as indicated by the lightingof DELAYLED The choiceof smallor largehelicopteris doneby movingthe transmitt...

Страница 24: ...onal 1 E IEE E 3 8 4V zE t o 4 8V 3 flF z_fEffi 300 sec 4 lF sm sec seffi ry12trN 6 ffi E z r 65i 7 F lF ffitr o 95ok 8Ri E Controlunit 42x265x145mnv169 Sensor 22 3x2 1 7x1 4mml9o I RoHScertifi cation...

Страница 25: ...E l90 000rpm fiffi 03 000r0m 4 ffiiA E 5 5V 25 2V Q 6sLi Po EH 1 REF SHFEEEE l0i frf fiEEEf FzM 2 filESxitchins BEc A EEHEEET tFffiE J5crnl tfr BEBEDfiEE EEr tBG EHmffiEglPct mffif Er S nirucnons Eff...

Страница 26: ...witha PCMieceiverthat has 1 F QE FiE r tih ffi e F Voltmeter ER lllustration tq 1 settang it reducing signal The ESCwillemit a positionis at fullthrottle not enterinto usermodefor lost the pilotcanena...

Страница 27: ...ldle Up 2 modes or ldle Up 2 modesif tail hunting wag occursdue to ity of th whenflyingin ldle Up 1 Modefeaturesand is appliedto Helicopters for ldle Up 1 and ldle Up 2 modes not Modeis in use the thr...

Страница 28: ...eduntilsuccessf ul initialization lf the initializationprocessis unableto complete with STATUSLED blinkingred Re checkall connections and perform l ri o o o greenSTATUS LED red LED indicates Adjustmen...

Страница 29: ...g the helicopter s CGcanbeseenatwheretheheadispointing relative to themainshaft ffiEF l Ez E EFffii tFfl 4ffiffi FEE trE 0EEEg ffiptfif nEi mainshaft or sligh mainshaftto ensure gravity is maintained...

Страница 30: ...IT MainbladepitchSettings Collective PitchSettings ft ffiEEAE IFGHEEAE Mainbladepitch 10 12 ffiHffiEE 10 12 swash pitch 38 43 Mainbladeoltchz 12 14 ffiHffiEF t2 14 swashpitch 43o o 48o o Cyclic pitchs...

Страница 31: ...ur t a e servo ball link or linkageballs _ E F LTF A i le om g y r E r r iin E E _ jr AIL gaindial on control box cckwise 10 degreesat a time i s liationis eliminated i iglElHffi qffigFt U tr E i ir F...

Страница 32: ...Hdffi fF 1 ffi s EE MrEftl rL z qffi fUPfffi 2 ffi 6tlRsrArusffiffilaffi Eh K ae ffi64ffilj3tf Offi ffi38ZP EAigERE initialflybarless setupprocedure needto beperformed again flvbarless control unitand...

Страница 33: ...OptionEffi MainRotorDiameter iffiHE S I t 88mm t24gmm Tail RotorDiameter EffiH E zE4mm Motor PinionGea ffiiEEgffi 6T MainDriveGear FSt 17oT AutorotationTailDrivecear Eff6StH I BOT Tail DriveGear EH Ef...

Страница 34: ...12xo18x16mm When tightening a screw to a plastic pad please tighten it firmly but not over tightened 01they will strip ffiffiH ryW tlttF iEHfl Tl HRE q m 6x8lnTlqFg E fiF5 Hexsocket self tapping screw...
