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aLF Reader Starter Kit Quick-Start Guide
The aLF Reader Starter Kit is intended to be used as developer tool for tests to be integrated on the aLF Reader. Only Test Developer shall use the aLF Reader Starter Kit.
The aLF Reader Starter Kit consists of a standard aLF Reader plus two Software tools for method and barcode creation, i.e. aLF Studio Software and aLF Protocol Exporter Software.
This Quick Start Guide will lead you through the necessary steps for a successful integration of your test on the aLF Reader platform.
For more information, please refer to
aLF Reader User Manual
aLF Reader Quick-Start Guide
aLF Studio Software
aLF Protocol Exporter
User Manual
that can be found at www.alf- or on the USB stick you receive with the Reader.
Set up of the aLF Reader Instrument
Place the aLF Reader and the DYMO LabelWriter on a stable and level surface (see 1).
Plug the power supply cable into the connector at the rear of the aLF Reader.
Connect the DYMO LabelWriter to the aLF Reader with the supplied USB cable (see 1).
Set up of the aLF Reader Studio Software to define your test parameter on the aLF Reader
Install the aLF Studio Software on your PC in accordance with the instructions provided in the
aLF Studio Software
Start your aLF Reader.
Connect the aLF Reader with your PC via the USB cable (see 2).
You can now navigate through your aLF Reader via the Studio Software and perform the following actions:
Control your aLF Reader
Receive raw data from the aLF Reader
Set reading range and define data analysis
Define how to display the results on the Reader