404 E. Main St, Garner, NC 27529 (919) 977-6665 alexanderpedals.com
G R E AT T O N E S . D O I N G G O O D .
Alien mojo meets military tech, circa 1958. The F.13 Neo is our take on space junk stolen
from Area 51 and put into the service of rock ‘n’ roll.
Equal parts science, art, weapon and instrument, the F.13 Neo generates interplanetary flange
never heard in this galaxy or any other.
The sonic scientists at Alexander Pedals have been working overtime to cram
the most pedal into the smallest box, and we now present the Neo Series!
Each Neo Series pedal incorporates an advanced 32-bit microcontroller adding
presets, expression, and MIDI capability.
Expression, Footswitch, or MIDI
Stereo output on ring
Instrument or line level
USB Mini-B
MIDI or firmware update
80mA, center negative
Select Button
Hold to access ALT knobs
Foot Switch
Tap to bypass, hold for next preset
Rate (ALT1):
Controls the speed of the flanger low-frequency oscillator. In DYNA mode, this
knob controls the sensitivity of the envelope detector. Hold the Select button and turn this
knob to set the ALT1 parameter, which varies by effect mode.
Dept (ALT2):
Controls the level of the flanger’s low-frequency oscillator. In DYNA mode, this
knob controls the direction and maximum sweep of the flanger. Hold the Select button and
turn this knob to set the ALT2 parameter, which varies by effect mode.
Mix (Volume):
Controls the amount of effected signal. Turn fully clockwise to “kill” the dry
signal. Hold the select button and turn this knob to set the Volume of both wet and dry
Adjusts the amount of flanged signal that is fed back into the flanger. Center this
control for no regeneration, or rotate it away from the center for more regeneration. Counter-
clockwise adds negative regeneration, clockwise adds positive regeneration.
Tap the Select Button to move to the next mode.
: Traditional flanging sounds live here. The rate and depth knobs adjust the F.13N’s
hypertriangular oscillator, which drives the flanger delay line. Set the Rate knob at zero for
manual flanging, the Depth knob adjusts the flanger with no sweep for classic “filter matrix”
tones. ALT1 controls the delay time of the flanger, sometimes also called “manual.” The
maximum flanger sweep is found with ALT1 at minimum settings.
: This mode replaces the smooth sweep of the Auto mode with a jagged and gnarly
stepped pattern generator. Adjust ALT1 to select the flanger pattern from the following:
This one is kind of unusual, even for us! The flanger delay time is set by the volume of
the input signal. The Rate knob adjusts the sensitivity, to allow for different pickups or effects
before the F.13 Neo. The Depth knob controls which direction the flanger will sweep when
it hears the input signal. The F.13 Neo now features an envelope speed control on the ALT1
knob. Set this to the fastest speed for a more excentrifugal experienz. Don’t say we didn’t
warn you.
This one is for all you radio friendly unit shifters out there looking to become the
genius of love. We couple a fierce flanger with an exceptional echo for a very interesting
take on time delay effects. The ALT1 and ALT2 knobs control the delay time and feedback
of the echo, while the Rate, Depth, and Regen knobs control the flanger side. You can set
either side to a very short delay for maximum comb filtering, or you can create spiraling