KUMO SDI Routers and Control Panels v4.7r1 22 www.aja.com
Chapter 3 – Router Web Browser User
An optimized web server inside the KUMO allows you to remotely monitor and
adjust parameter settings via a network-attached computer running a web
NOTE: In this chapter a KUMO 3232 is used as the example. Other models will have
different numbers of buttons.
Navigation Bar
The KUMO web browser user interface (UI) provides a navigational bar of tabs for
access to control screens and the Identify feature:
• HOME – control surface tab for salvo/Source/Destination selections
• CONFIGURATION – custom naming for Sources and Destinations, Destination
lock control, and mode selection
• SALVOS – salvo configuration
• NETWORK – IP settings for LAN/WAN operation and enabling authentication
• FIRMWARE – update menu for KUMO firmware from AJA
• ALARMS – log of service failures and allows alarms to be suppressed
• IDENTIFY – toggles activation of Identify LEDs for easy location of KUMO
Figure 12. KUMO Navigation Bar
Click any of the first six tabs to jump to that screen. To the right of the IDENTIFY
tab you will see the format of the Reference Video signal being used (if present).
KUMO Home Screen Device Selection
From the HOME Screen (
), you can use the pulldown menu
in the upper left to see all of the KUMO devices present on the local LAN and
select the one you want to control or monitor.
Web Browser Control Surface Operation
On the HOME Screen immediately below the KUMO selection menu are the Salvo
buttons, below them the Source (input) buttons, and below them the Destination
(output) buttons.
Clicking on any Destination button will highlight it, and its currently selected
Source button will also be highlighted.