KONA IP Transport, Capture, Display v16.0r1 53 www.aja.com
SFP1 Local IP
The Local IP address of the top SFP is displayed. The current transmit and receive
bitrates are also reported, in Gb/sec.
SFP2 Local IP
Same as above, but for the lower SFP module, if installed.
PTP Information
The PTP Grandmaster and Master IDs are displayed, as well as the current PTP
Advanced Button
Clicking on the Advanced button takes you to the 2110 IP configuration windows.
"IP Config Editor Window" on page 56
for more information.
IP Config Capture Tab
The Capture Tab screen shows the current settings for receiving IP streams, the
status of that stream, and allows activating and deactivating each stream.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) information, used for easy configuration, can
also be loaded and refreshed from this screen.
Channel 1-4
Click on the box to enable the configured stream (check mark). Activity of that
stream is indicated by the color of the dot: blue = active, red = inactive.
Clicking on the triangles display information for that video or audio playback