Ki Pro Ultra 12G File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 42 www.aja.com
Custom Clip Naming
Users can elect to give their clips names other than the standard criteria provided
by AJA.
IMPORTANT: Certain characters may not be allowed or supported if entered for a clip
name. Examples include: punctuation marks (other than internal spaces or
periods), special characters (like @ and _), and non-ASCII UTF-8 characters are
rejected outright. Non-UTF-8 characters appear in some languages, like Chinese
and Japanese are not supported.
Custom clip names can be created via the front panel UI menu parameters (19.1,
19.2, and 19.4) with the User Control Knob. Users may find that the more efficient
method to perform custom clip naming is via the web UI entry fields.
NOTE: In Multi Channel Mode, by default multiple clips have "_n" appended to their
names, with "n" being the 1-4 channel number of that clip. You can use 19.5
Channel Clip Identifiers add a name to each channel as you wish.
19.1 Use Custom Clip Name
This parameter enables or disables whether a custom clip name can be used via
menu parameters 19.1, 19.2, and 19.4, or via the web UI.
OFF (default)
Enable defining of custom clip name
Disable defining of custom clip name
19.2 Custom Clip Name
This parameter defines a custom clip name. The custom name is defined via the
front panel User Control Knob or the web UI. The default is “CUSTOM”.
When entering characters for a custom clip name on the front
panel, you must press the User Control Knob to bring up
alpha-numeric keypad. Use the Control Knob to scroll and
press to select the characters you want. Save or Cancel when
Default: CUSTOM
19.4 Custom Take
This parameter defines a custom take. The custom take number is defined via the
front panel User Control Knob.
1 to 999
(default = 1)
Press the Control Knob and scroll to change the Take value from 1
to 999, if a value other than the automatically generated value
is desired.
19.5 Use Channel Clip Identifiers
(Multi Channel Mode only.) This parameter activates appending a channel
identifier to the file name.
OFF (default)
Channel clip identifier not added.
Channel clip identifier is appended to the file name.
This feature is useful if you wish to use a camera position instead of the default
channel number. For example: