Io IP Transport, Capture, Display v16.2r1 65
Transmit/Receive Example
One simple way to test actual operation over the network is to configure two
Io IPs with complimentary settings, as follows:
1. Perform an initial configuration on a Io IP device as described above,
entering a different address. This will be used as the playback device.
2. Import that configuration to a second Io IP, edit that base SFP address (for
example, increment by 100), and swap the RX and TX IP addresses for that
second device. These complimentary configurations allow bi-directional
transport between the two Io IPs.
Io IP Device
Base SFP
Rx Destination Tx Remote
Io IP #1
Io IP #2
3. You should now be able to open AJA's Control Room application on each
computer and test playback and capture.
Transmit Redundancy with ST 2110 via ST 2022-7
For JSON Configuration (Transmit only)
1. Go into Advanced Ip Config / Generate for JSON.
2. Set Tx Remote to the IP address to which you are sending.
3. On your output channel (either Ch 3 or Ch 4) navigate to transmitVideo and
enable SFP 2 by setting it to true. Note: Do not use channel 3 and 4 to do
this, just pick one or the other.
4. Manually set the frame rate in the frame buffer within AJA Control Panel.
5. The IP device will now be sending identical packets on SFP 1 and SFP 2 for
6. Setup a receiver to subscribe to the 2 IP addresses that you have sent on the
output channels above.