FS4 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v1.1
The webUI (browser GUI) will keep up with most changes initiated at the front panel.
However, the webUI may not reconnect (displays “Disconnected”) when network changes are
initiated at the FS4 front panel. To manually reconnect, type the new IP address into the
browser, or click the browser Refresh button. Sometimes the browser caches the old FS4
address. If you can't get the browser to connect, try clearing the Browser history to clear the
cache, and then enter the new address again.
Software Update Installation
Although the FS4 comes from the factory pre-installed with software, it may not be as
up-to-date as software posted on the AJA website. This topic describes the steps
required to update the software in your AJA FS4.
Download the
Latest Software
Current and past releases of FS4 software are available on the World Wide Web from
AJA's website. To get the software, point your browser to the FS4 support page, which
will contain helpful FS4 information and links to the updates:
Once you’re at the update page, you can select FS4 software files to download to your
Mac or PC for upgrading your local FS4 machine.
Unpack the
FS4 software update files are “ZIP” files that you can open with a number of standard and
third party file compression applications. The software image that you’ll install on the FS4
is a file with a name like
or similar.
Depending on your PC or Mac operating system settings, the “.bin” extension may not be
visible to you in a file directory.
Uploading and
Installing the
Software to the FS4
Uploading and installing the software update requires a PC or Mac that can “see” the FS4
via its Ethernet connection. Follow this procedure to install the software:
1. Point your browser at the FS4's upgrade page by clicking on the
link at the
bottom of the navigation box on the left-hand side of any FS4 web page. The FS4
web pages are discussed in
Chapter 5.
Figure 7. Update Firmware Browser Screen.