FS4 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v1.1
• Test Pattern settings
• Freeze Output setting
Audio Menu Group Buttons
• Audio level and phase settings
• Audio delay settings
• Output mapping controls
Status LED
Indicators on the front panel are multi-state LEDs that light when a condition is present.
The indicators and the conditions that cause them to light are as follows:
• Blue = Power Supply 1 or 2 is operational and receiving power. Both PS1 and PS2 LEDs
must be lit blue to indicate redundant power is available.
• Red = Power supply is not receiving power or not operating within 10% of nominal
value (unless the alarm has been suppressed, in which case the LED will be turned off).
• Off = Power supply alarm is suppressed and nominal power is not being received.
• Blue = (Single Ch only) The processor's output mapping is set to 2SI (2 Sample
• Off = In Single Channel Mode the processor's output mapping is set to Quadrant
(Square Division). In Four Channel Mode this LED is always off.
• Blue = The FS4 is operating with a valid reference.
• Red = A reference alarm condition exists (unless the alarm has been suppressed, in
which case the LED will be turned off).
Blinks blue on and off when you right-click on an FS4 system name and choose Identify
in the web interface Network list. This action helps identify which system you’re
controlling when multiple units are operated from a single computer. The ID LEDs on the
front and rear panels perform the same function. No matter which side of a rack you’re
facing, you’ll be able to see one of the LEDs.
This multicolor LED indicates the current control mode:
• Blue= Local Only (front panel control only)
• Red = Remote Only (remote browser or panel control only)
• Purple = Local + Remote (front panel and remote control both enabled)
The FS4 produces signal incompatibility alarms for a number of reasons. For example,
incompatible conversion alarms can occur because the FS4 cannot convert between
frame rate families (59.94/29.97/23.98, or 50/25, or 60/30/24).