FS2 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v3.0 65 www.aja.com
9 Sidebar Edge
0 to +128 (Variable)
Defaults to 0. Select a width value from 0 t128 to expand
or shrink the sidebars, which are filled with Background video (
Background Fill)
. Selecting a larger value causes the center picture
to become narrower while the sidebars expand.
Matte of Background Fill
10.1 Matte Luma
This parameter determines the Matte Luma level of the background fill.
50% (default)
0–100% (Variable)
Sets the matte luminance level to the default 50% value.
Sets the matte luminance level from 0–100%.
10.2 Matte Chroma
This parameter determines the Matte Chroma level of the background fill.
50% (default)
0–100% (Variable)
Sets the matte chrominance level to the default 50% value.
Sets the matte chrominance level from 0–100%.
10.3 Matte Hue
This parameter determines the Matte Hue of the background fill.
0 degrees (default)
0–359 degrees (Variable)
Sets the matte hue to the default 0 degrees (red).
Sets the matte hue to a value between 0 and 359 degrees.
NOTE: On the FS2 front panel, as you turn the Matte Hue ADJUST knob the values wrap
from 359 back to 0 degrees.
Proc Amp Controls (YUV)
11.0 Proc Amp (YUV)
This parameter turns the Proc Amp On and Off for signals composed of YUV
components. When it is On, you can set additional parameters (11.1 to 11.4) to
control video Gain, Black Level, Hue, and Saturation. Proc Amp parameter settings
are independently kept for each separate input: SDI 1, SDI 2, Fiber 1, Fiber 2,
Composite, HDMI, and Component.
Off (default)
Sets the YUV Proc Amp to Off.
Sets the YUV Proc Amp to On.
Source Memory
Independent analog output timing values are kept for all available output