4K2HD Mini-Converter v1.15r1 14 www.aja.com
Input Screen
Click on the Input tab to view and make changes to the converter’s input settings.
Video Source
Selects the input video format. Choose from the following:
• Auto - automatically selects the format based on the input video parameters.
• 4xSDI 4K
• 2xSDI 4K - (3G-B Dual Stream input required)
• 2xSDI HD-DL - (2 wire SMTPE 372)
• SDI 1, SDI 2, SDI 3, or SDI 4
NOTE: One of the 4 incoming quadrants of 4K video can be shown full screen on the
HDMI/SDI outputs. This is accomplished by selecting one of the 4 SDI inputs, but
requires that all 4 SDI inputs are connected.
Color Space
Selects the Input Video Color Space. Choose Auto, 422 YCbCr, 444 RGB, or 444
YCbCr. Choosing “Auto” will automatically select color mode based on the input
video parameters and the payload ID.
RGB Range
Selects the Input Video Color Range. Choose SMPTE (default) or Full color range.
There is no auto detection for color range.
Bit Depth
Selects the input video bit depth. Choose Auto, 8-bit, 10-bit, or 12-bit. Choosing
“Auto” automatically selects the bit depth based on the input video parameters
and the payload ID.