Customers love the award winning features that have
been designed to make AIS WatchMate the easiest
device to use on your boat.
These features include:
Alarm configuration and Filtering,
Listing of vessels by target priority,
Multiple profiles based on location,
Plot future crossing positions,
Anchor Watch to monitor anchor drag,
Low power consumption,
Displays GPS status, position, course and speed,
and of course WatchMate is a dedicated
AIS safety instrument independent of all
other equipment.
WatchMate has been designed to simplify the display
of other ships AIS location and course information. As
required WatchMate filters out non priority targets and
only displays the vessels that may be on a collision
course, removing the uncertainty and stress related to
navigating in highly congested and isolated waterways.
The WatchMate installation is designed to be easy, with
its built in GPS receiver, IP67 rated water proofing and
multiple mounting options.
WatchMate 850 includes a
built-in Class B transponder
incorporating GPS antenna
The innovative functionality of the WatchMate
850 includes:
• Full receive and transmission of all AIS data
• Built in GPS with GPS patch antenna
• Ability to connect to computers via
waterproof USB
• Allows transponder to be put in Silent Mode
• Send AIS mayday safety message
• Unique VHF “in use” indicator (When used
with Vesper Marine’s VHF splitter)
• Self diagnosis to provide warnings if AIS, GPS
or antenna are not functioning
• Simple installation, fully self contained, no
need to wire an external GPS antenna in
many cases
• One of the lowest power consumption
transponders on the market
Vesper Marine Ltd © 2010
AIS WatchMate 850 Transponder
Phone +64 9 950 4848 | Email [email protected]
Fax +64 9 950 4085 | Web www.vespermarine.com
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com