4 Use
Ppeak threshold can be adjusted. Its default setting is 45 cmH2O.
4.9 CO2 Option
4.9.1 Introduction
CO2 monitoring on the
Monnal T75
(only for KB033600) is a fee-based software option.
After purchasing this option, Air Liquide Medical Systems provides:
the activation code for the option,
the CO2 probe for measuring the concentration of exhaled carbon dioxide (in accordance with ISO
the necessary adapters.
The CO2 measurement probe is mounted on an airway adapter. This adapter is connected to patient
flow as close as possible to the intubation tube.
The IRMA™ CO2 measurement probe generates an infrared signal and transmits it to the receiver on
the opposite side, across the airway adapter. The measurement principle is based on the energy that
the CO2 absorbs. The probe sends the CO2 concentration measurement to the
Monnal T75
Monnal T75
then displays the CO2 monitoring information that is received, in the form of a moni-
toring tile, time curve, trends curve and loop curve.
This information provides clinical support and can be used to assess the integrity of the patient’s air-
ways, as well as to check that accurate intubation has been successful.
4.9.2 Installing the CO2 software option
CO2 monitoring requires installation of the software option with a code. If you would like this option,
contact your Air Liquide Medical Systems representative.
Go to the
[Administrator configuration]
Press the
[Activate options]
Enter the code that your Air Liquide Medical Systems representative has provided.
Quit the
[Administrator configuration]
menu. The CO2 option is enabled.
4.9.3 Display of pressure and flow rate curves
The pressure and flow rate curves are displayed in real time by default. The volume and CO2 curves
may also be displayed (if the software option is present).
Spontaneous patient activity is represented by the curves displayed on-screen chang-
ing color. When the respiratory cycle comes from a patient demand, the curves are green, but
a controlled cycle is displayed in yellow.
Changing curves
To change curves:
Press the curve to be replaced. A menu appears in the bar on the right-hand side of the screen.
Select the desired curve in the menu. The curve is displayed automatically.