12 Technical description
Immunity test
Test level
Compliance level
Electromagnetic envi-
Proximity fields from
RF wireless commu-
nications equipment
(IEC 61000-4-3 interim
9 V/m
710 MHz, 745 MHz,
780 MHZ, 5240 MHz,
5550 MHz, 5785 MHz
27 V/m
385 MHz
28 V/m
450 MHz, 810 MHz,
870 MHz, 930 MHz,
1720 MHz, 1845 MHz,
1970 MHz, 2450 MHz
9 V/m
710 MHz, 745 MHz,
780 MHZ, 5240 MHz,
5550 MHz, 5785 MHz
27 V/m
385 MHz
28 V/m
450 MHz, 810 MHz,
870 MHz, 930 MHz,
1720 MHz, 1845 MHz,
1970 MHz, 2450 MHz
Conducted distur-
bances, induced by ra-
dio-frequency fields
(IEC 610004-6)
3 V
150KHz to 80MHz
6 V ISM bandwidth and
bandwidths between
0.15 MHZ and 80 MHZ,
including amateur ra-
dio bandwidths
80% MA to 1 KHz
3 V
150KHz to 80MHz
6 V ISM bandwidth and
bandwidths between
0.15 MHZ and 80 MHZ,
including amateur ra-
dio bandwidths
80% MA to 1 KHz
The electromagnetic field strengths of fixed radio-frequency transmitters, as determined by a sur-
vey of the electromagnetic environment (a), must be below the compliance level for each frequency
range. Interference may occur close to equipment identified by the following symbol:
Comment: These specifications may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affect-
ed by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
(a) The electromagnetic field strengths of fixed radio-frequency transmitters, such as base stations for
mobile phones (cellular/wireless), mobile radios, amateur radio operators, AM/FM radio broadcasts
and TV broadcasts cannot be determined accurately through theory. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be carried out. If the
intensity level of the radio-frequency field in the immediate environment in which the product is being