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8.2 Current Meter Averaging Setup
Menu > Current Meter Averaging Setup
The degree of averaging of the current meter reading when Iavg is turned on (see section 6.4)
can be set individually for each output.
The System Menu function “Current Meter Averaging Setup” provides an individual choice of
low, medium or high (Low, Medium, High) for each of the four outputs set via the soft keys. The
default value is medium.
8.3 Store and Recall of Settings for All Outputs
Menu > Stores: All Outputs (Store/Recall)
Each output has its own set of 50
memories in which settings can be
stored for that output (see section 0).
A further set of 50 memories is
provided that allow the user to store
and recall the settings status for all
four outputs simultaneously.
Unlike the individual memories, which store only Range, Volts, Amps, and OVP/OCP, these
memories also store the output ON/OFF state, current meter averaging state, and the Multi-
On/Multi-Off settings.
The System Menu function “Stores: All Outputs (Store/Recall)” creates a screen similar to the
Stores screen for the individual outputs, but with an extra column for ON/OFF. The four outputs
are listed on successive rows.
The output On/Off state is included in order to allow memories to be recalled in sequence
including the turning of outputs on or off. Note that recalling a memory will override the existing
On/Off state and this should be considered when setting up the power supply prior to storing
each status entry.
Current meter averaging being set on is indicated by the * symbol after the set current value.
Multi-On/Multi-Off settings other than both set to Quick are indicated by a clock symbol
after the On/Off state.
Note that output delay settings are only applied when the Multi-On/Multi-Off function is used
and not when a memory is recalled.
8.4 Multi-On / Multi-Off Operation and Sequencing
Menu > Multi-On/Multi-Off Setup
The two keys on the bottom right hand side marked Multi-On and
Multi-Off control the On and Off behaviour for all four outputs.
By default, these keys provide a synchronous On/Off capability
whereby all four outputs are turned on or turned off simultaneously by
pressing a single key.
The System Menu function “Multi-On/Multi-Off Setup” enables the operation of these keys to be
changed to suit the user’s requirements. Delays between the switching of the outputs can be
introduced to create an On or Off sequence, and any individual output can be excluded from
Multi-On or Multi-Off control.