Drive/Motor Overload Protection
AGD155 Product Manual Rev.2.2
Page 48
4.2.2 Motor Stuck
Motor stuck indicates whether or not the motor is in fact stuck. The condition is strongly dependent
on the application.
Figure 41. Motor Stuck Settings
The protection feature monitors and responds to a condition in which the amplifier is providing a
certain amount of minimal current (StuckCurr), but the motor does not move at the minimal
expected speed (StuckVel) for a certain amount of time (StuckTime). If this condition occurs, the
motor will be shut off.
4.2.3 Motor Temperature Protection
If the motor temperature sensor option is selected, the AGD155 will monitor the PT100/1000
temperature sensor readings, and display warnings in the status window if the temperature is
approaching the specified limit.
If the temperature exceeds the specified limit, the motor will be shut off.
Figure 42. Axis Status