Agilent N5161A/62A/81A/82A/83A MXG Signal Generators Service Guide
The Fans are Not Working
The Fans are Not Working
The four fans are connected directly to the A1 Power Supply. The fan motors are AC motors, with a DC to AC inverter built into the motor
hub. The control, voltage, and filtering for the fans are integrated into the A1 Power Supply. The fan control voltage is a nominal 12 Vdc.
The control range can vary from a minimum of 8 volts up to a maximum of 13.8 volts. Using internal sensors, the control circuit sets the fan
voltage to adjust the fan speed to protect the A1 Power Supply and the signal generator. The A1 Power Supply will function at full output
load, up to 25
C, without raising the minimum fan voltage. The A1 Power Supply may begin to raise the fan voltage at 25
C and will reach
maximum voltage at no lower than 45
C ambient.
If a single fan is inoperative, the most likely cause is a faulty fan.
Unplug the inoperative fan and one working fan.
Plug the inoperative fan into the working fan’s connector on the A1 Power Supply.
— If the inoperative fan works, the connector on the A1 Power Supply is faulty. Replace the A1 Power Supply.
— If the inoperative fan does not work, plug the good fan into the inoperative fan’s connector on the A1 Power Supply. If the good
fan works, the inoperative fan is faulty. Replace the fan.
If two or more fans are inoperative, the most likely assembly at fault is the A1 Power Supply. The four fans are connected in parallel, so
if the A1 Power Supply voltage is faulty for one fan, then by design, the voltage will be faulty for all four fans. Replace the A1 Power
No LAN Activity
The signal generator supports 100-Base T-LAN. When the signal generator is connected to an active LAN, one of the green DS1 LEDs,
viewable through the rear panel, will be on and the other green DS1 LED will blink.
If either of the DS1 LEDs do not respond to an active LAN connection, replace the A5 CPU assembly.
No Front Panel USB Activity
The front panel Type-A USB connector supports data transfers.
Not all USB memory sticks are compatible with the Type-A USB connector on this signal generator. Go to
www.agilent.com/find/mxg for a list of USB storage devices that work with this signal generator.
Connect a compatible USB memory stick to the signal generator. The signal generator should detect the USB memory stick immediately.
If a compatible memory stick does not work, but the rear panel USB and all other instrument functions operate correctly, replace the
USB Board.
If replacing the USB Board does not correct the problem, replace the A5 CPU assembly.
No Rear-Panel USB Activity
Not all Mini-B USB cables provide enough connector length to ensure proper contact between the cable and the Mini-B 5 USB
connector on the MXG.
The rear-panel type Mini-B 5 pin USB connector is used for remotely controlling the signal generator using SCPI commands.
Connect a USB cable between a controller PC that has been configured to communicate through a USB cable and the signal generator.
The PC should detect the signal generator almost immediately.
If the signal generator is not detected:
Verify the rear-panel Mini-B USB cable is inserted deeply enough to make proper contact.
If the rear-panel Mini-B USB cable is inserted deeply enough to make proper contact, replace the A5 CPU assembly.