:FUNCtion{1 | 2}:INTegrate {CHANnel<number> |
FUNCtion<number> | RESPonse<number> |
WMEMory<number> | <float_value>}
Defines a function that computes the integral of the defined operand’s
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR responses: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
A real number.
:FUNCtion{1 | 2}:INVert {CHANnel<number> |
FUNCtion<number> | RESPonse<number> |
WMEMory<number> | <float_value>}
Defines a function that inverts the defined operand’s waveform by
multiplying by -1.
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR responses: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
A real number.
:FUNCtion{1 | 2}:MAGNify {CHANnel<number> |
FUNCtion<number> | RESPonse<number> |
WMEMory<number> | <float_value>}
Defines a function that is a copy of the operand. The magnify function is a
software magnify. No hardware settings are altered as a result of using this
function. It is useful for scaling channels, another function, TDR/TDT
responses and memories with the RANGE and OFFSET commands in this
Magnify performs the same operation as the "ONLY" operator, and is the
preferred operator of the two. "ONLY" is included in this instrument for
compatibility with previous instruments.
Function Commands