The NX workstation is connected to the X-ray system to exchange X-ray
exposure parameters.
The NX workstation requires a 100 Mbit ethernet network to exchange
information with a number of other devices.
The NX workstation communicates with other devices in the hospital network
using one of the following protocols:
The NX workstation can be connected to a RIS system (input scheduling), a
PACS system (output image/data management) and to a hardcopy device
(output image).
The connections between the components of the system are
separate from the hospital network and should not be disconnected
or modified.
X-ray Exposure Parameters
The X-Ray Exposure Parameters and DAP value can be configured to be
• displayed in the NX Image Detail pane,
• printed in the film text box,
• transmitted to the Archive,
• transmitted to the RIS via MPPS (Modality Performed Procedure Step).
The NX Image Detail pane displays the X-Ray Exposure Parameters and DAP
value for the individual sub-exposures.
Only the cumulative DAP value is transmitted to the Archive.
Incomplete exposure parameters (kV, mAs) are transmitted to
Archive for multiple sub-exposures on one cassette. Only the
exposure parameters for one sub-exposure are transmitted.
Don't use multiple sub-exposures when the exposure parameters
are interpreted by the Archive.
| DX-D 300 | Introduction
0172E EN 20181116 1653