EuroFOX - Pilot Operating Handbook and Flight Training Supplement
May 1. 2019
- Fuel pumps switchers
Set both pumps switchers ON
- avionics and other switches
SWITCH ON (transceiver, IC, turn-
and slip indicator .....)
The aircraft has a tendency to roll forward easily on paved surfaces like
asphalt even when the engine is at idle. The tail wind is also a
significant factor. Make sure that the aircraft is not moving once the
engine is started. If the aircraft is rolling and cannot be stopped with
brakes, turn the engine immediately off using ignition switch.
6.3.3 Warming up engine
Start warming up period at approximately 2000 RPM for approximately
2 minutes.
Continue at 2500 RPM, duration depending on ambient temperature,
until oil temperature reaches 50
Check temperatures and pressure.
6.4 Taxiing
6.4.1 Prior to Taxiing
Be aware of the entire area around the aircraft to ensure that the aircraft
will clear all obstruction and other aircraft. When first beginning to taxi, the
brakes should be tested for proper operation as soon as the aircraft is put
in motion. If braking action is unsatisfactory, the engine should be shut
down immediately.
- brakes
- stop watch
SWITCH ON, record time
6.4.2 Taxiing
- taxiing speed is 14 km/h maximum. Steering is performed by rudder
pedals controlling the nose wheel.
in crosswind hold ailerons „upwind“, using the control stick.
- In strong crosswind perform the taxiing with an assisting person holding
the wing by its windward side.
- When taxing on gravel surfaces use as low engine power as possible to
prevent damage to the propeller leading edges.
6.5 Normal TakeOff