*Illustrations may differ from actual production models
The Aeromix 2+2EU Hook-up Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Aeromix 2+2EU Voice-over-Music Mixer – designed to make fitness
instructors’ lives easier. If your sound contractor is not installing your Aeromix for you, please fol-
low these simple steps to connect it to your Group Fitness stereo sound system.
1. Connecting the Wireless Mic Receiver.
Connect the Line Out jack socket of your wireless microphone receiver to the
Mic 1(14)
socket on
the back of the Aeromix using a standard mono 6.35mm (quarter inch) jack to jack lead which is
usually supplied with wireless receivers.
1.1 Balanced Line Connection
These mic sockets will also accept a TRS (stereo) jack with a balanced line cable from an XLR
Mic Level output socket found on the majority of quality wireless receivers. Balanced line
connections will always sound better, revealing more “body” in the voice, and are less susceptible
to noise and interference.
1.2 Connecting a second Wireless Mic Receiver
If a second wireless receiver has to be connected then repeat the connection procedure as before
using the
Mic 2(14)
input socket.
2. Connecting the Music Sources - The Main CD Player
Connect the Line Out or Play sockets of your CD Player to the
Music 1(13)
input sockets on the
Aeromix using a 2 RCA to 2 RCA lead. Remember that “Red is Right and Left is White” (or Black!).
2.1 The second CD Player or Cassette Deck
Connect the Line Out or Play sockets from your second player to the
Music 2(13)
input sockets of
the Aeromix using a 2 RCA to 2 RCA lead.
2.2 The MP3 or MD Player.
Using the supplied
6.35mm stereo jack to 3.5mm stereo mini-jack lead, connect the Line
Out or Play sockets of your Personal MP3 or MD Player to the 6.35mm
Alt.In 2(7)
jack socket on
the front panel of the Aeromix. When this lead is plugged in the
Music 2 Volume(5)
is diverted
from any player plugged into the rear panel
Music 2(13)
RCA input sockets until the jack plug is
removed. Use a combination of your player’s output level control, if it has one, and the
Music 2
control to achieve a strong, clean, undistorted sound.
3. Connecting to the Power Amplifier
Connect a dual 6.35mm jack lead (balanced or unbalanced) from the
1V Output(10)
pair of
sockets to your amplifier’s input sockets. If the power amplifier is a U.S. made brand it may require
more driving voltage – if this is so then connect it to the
1.5V High Output(9)
sockets. Most power
amplifiers made in Asia and Australia are best suited to the standard 1V sockets.
3.1 Connecting to a second device
The unused pair of outputs can be used for driving another amplifier in either stereo or mono or
the could be used to connect to a wireless transmitter or a recording system, providing they have
input or record level controls and you don’t use exaggerated treble & bass tone settings.
4. Plug it in!
With the speakers connected to the power amplifier, connect the Aeromix to your power point,
turn it on and make sure the full system is fully powered up.
5. Setting the volume levels.
Start from the end! Firstly adjust the level controls of your power amplifier – set its volume
controls up to maximum.
5.1 Setting the microphone level.
If you are using an Aeromic™ Headworn Microphone then make sure that the small gain control
on the transmitter is turned all the way down to minimum gain or just on. Now check that the
receiver’s mic/line output selector (if there is one) is set to “mic” if you're using a balanced line
cable connection, or to “line” if you're using an unbalanced cable connection, and turn the vol-
ume control of the receiver to the midway or 12 o’clock position.
Turn the
control on the Aeromix up to the midway or 12 o’clock position. Put the
microphone on, turn on the transmitter and start counting out loud while advancing the
control on the back of the Aeromix until feedback (mic howling) starts; then edge
it back a touch until the voice sounds dry with no hint of “ringing” or feedback. Fine tune by
walking around the room talking and seeing how close you can get to the speakers – the better
they are the closer you’ll get – without the mic feeding back. This process is called setting the
maximum “gain-before-feedback” position.
5.2 It’s a Voice-Over-Music Mixer
Now play some music and adjust the music volume against your mic level while projecting your
voice as you would teaching an Group Fitness or Dance Class. Remember, it’s a Voice
Sound System – the audience wants to hear what‘s being said above the level of the music.
6. Setting the Tone Controls.
As a general guide, the voice could do with a touch less bass and a touch more treble but not too
much or it might sound too “edgy” so just add a little treble boost to help the voice cut through
the music. Now for the music – get a test CD and start it playing. Set the volume so it’s not too
loud and adjust the bass and treble controls by sweeping from left to right and back again.
Settle on a setting that gives a more subtle fullness to the music rather than an exaggerated bass
and/or treble.
7. Music Mute Relay Circuit
Many responsible Building Approval Authorities around the world are now requesting that there
be supplied a music cut out switch on any powerful music system installed in a public or com-
munity centre (ie city or council owned fitness centres). The circuit is closed by the fire alarm
control system should an alarm be activated anywhere in the building. We believe that this will
eventually be a compliance standard for private enterprise owned centres as well. We have opted
to supply a music cut out circuit rather than a total power cut system, as we feel that Instructor
should be trained to react to the alarm and lead their class members out to safety using the
vocal power of their mic through the sound system. This connection should only be installed by
a licensed contractor. To use the circuit a two-wire cable has to be run from the General Services
Board connected to the building’s alarm system and the two wires are connected to the screw
terminals. Set the music playing and have someone on the mic just talking, then check by short-
ing a test cable screwed into the Euroconnector.
Key To Illustration:
1. Voice Input 1 Volume
2. Voice Input 2 Volume
3. Voice Input Tone Controls
4. Music Input 1 Volume
5. Music Input 2 Volume
6. Music Tone Controls
7. Alternate Input 2
8. Power On/Off
9. 1.5V Line Output
10. 1Volt Line Output
11. Master Volume
12. Music Mute Relay Input
13. Music Inputs
14. Mic Level Inputs
Alt. In 2
Fig 1. Aeromix 2+2EU Front Panel*
Fig 2. Aeromix 2+2EU Rear Panel*