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The smoke detector has an LED to indicate the status (Status LED: picture on the
right). The smoke detector automatically enters the start-up phase when the unit is
switched on and is signalled by the flashing
red LED
. The start-up phase lasts 4
minutes after switching on, before the smoke detector is automatically switched to
normal operation. During the start-up phase, the smoke detector responds more sen-
sitively to smoke gases. At the end of the start-up phase, the signal output and its
meaning changes.
The smoke detector is equipped with a resting value tracking system to compensate for environmental
changes. If the detector is dirty beyond a certain state, the
yellow LED
flashes during the start-up phase.
When deciding how long the detector should remain installed in such a case, use the following rule of
Operating time + 25% (e.g. if the detector has been in operation for 4 years when the yellow sig-
nal is seen, it can be operated for another 12 months maximum).
If the exterior of the smoke detector is dirty, it can be carefully cleaned with a damp cloth and a little
industrial alcohol.
The following table shows the possible signal output and its meaning:
Replacing the detector insert
To release the detector insert from the base, simultaneously release the locking de-
vice and carefully unscrew the smoke detector counter-clockwise. The locking device
is accessed via a small opening (Ø = 2 mm) on the detector insert (picture on the
right). Using a suitable tool, slide the inside lock apart to turn the detector insert.
To insert a new smoke detector, place the detector insert on the detector base and
turn it clockwise until the detector insert engages and locks.
Smoke detector type:
Orbis optical smoke detector
Apollo Gesellschaft für Meldetechnologie GmbH, Am Anger 31, 33332 Gütersloh
Aereco item no.: 310172
The smoke detector must not be covered at any time during operation.
Start-up phase (4 min)
(flashing, 1x in 1 sec.)
Regular operation, correctly installed, any fault
message is not triggered by smoke detectors.
Check control unit wiring
Smoke alarm (smoke detector detects visually),
sensor may be covered by condensate or dust
Replace smoke detector
(flashing, 1x in 1 sec.)
Contamination warning
(limit value for resting value tracking reached),
possible hardware error
Check signal after start-up phase,
smoke detector still works, but must be replaced promptly
(no signal)
Smoke detector or connection defective
Check wiring,
replace smoke detector
After start-up phase
(flashing, 1x in 4 sec.)
Smoke detector does not work properly (hardware error)
Replace smoke detector
(no signal)
If flashing red during start-up phase:
regular operation, correctly fitted
Smoke detector or connection defective
Check wiring,
replace smoke detector