[email protected] | Version # : 2.2
TestPro CV100
User Manual
h. Result AutoSave
[Result AutoSave], when set to [For All Instances or Only with
Pass Result] will save the test results according to the next
available label name.
Select [Certification].
Select [Result AutoSave].
Select [For All Instances, Only with Pass Result or Don’t
For All Instances – TestPro will save all test result
Only with Pass Result – TestPro will save only when the test
result is a Pass
Don’t AutoSave – no AutoSave of any test result
i. Auto Start
Select [Certification].
Select [Auto Start].
Select [Yes] or [No].
If [Yes], TestPro will automatically start the Autotest when the
cable under test is connected to the device port.
When [Only for Bidirectional Test After Fiber Swapping] is
enabled, the Autotest will continue after successfully swapping
the fiber cable during a dual-ended bi-directional test.
When [Do Autotest if Wiremap Failed] is enabled, the
Autotest will perform a Autotest when any of the 4 pairs
fails the Wiremap.
j. Long Cable
Long Cable supports the testing of cables between 500 and
1000 meters.
Select [Certification].
Enable [Long Cable].
Note that the long cable options in the main and remote
devices should be enabled. This feature is automatically
disabled when devices are restarted.
k. License Details
Customers who purchased the K05 and K30 kits will need a
certification License to save the test result when using the
AD-CAT6A-CH adapter.
Users with K05 and K30 kits who purchased the fiber kits will
not require a license to perform fiber certification test as the
license is included with the purchase of the fiber adapter.