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[email protected] | Version # : 2.2
TestPro CV100
User Manual
q. Restore Default Factory Settings
Select [Settings] on the home screen, then [Device]
Select [Restore Default Factory Settings].
On the popup, select Yes to restore TestPro to default
factory settings. The device will restart.
r. Factory Menu
Factory Menu is for manufacturer’s internal use only. Access
to this function is not available to users.
s. USB
When a USB flash drive is inserted to the TestPro USB port,
device offers multiple functions i.e. Copy Test Results to USB,
Import Label List, Copy License , Upgrade Firmware, Export
Project and Import
Project. Refer to the steps required for each of these features
in the TestPro User Guide. To access the USB menu again, click
Settings > USB.
i: Copy Test Results to USB
Copy Test Result to USB will export all the test results saved
inside TestPro to the USB flash drive under TestData folder.
Select [Copy Test Results to USB]
Select from a list of projects to be exported to USB i.e.
TEST PROJECT and click Yes
TestPro will pop up a message on the number of test
results copied.
ii: Import Label List
The Import Label List feature provides an easy way to create
labels from a computer & copy these labels onto the device.
On the USB flash drive, create a folder “CustomLabel”
(Without the ““) and copy all the labels that are to be