Spatial Reference Manual
Page 105 of 158
Version 4.4
Packet Length
The packet length denotes the length of the packet data, i.e. from byte index 5
onwards inclusive. Packet length has a range of 0 – 255.
The CRC is a CRC16-CCITT. The starting value is 0xFFFF. The CRC covers only the
packet data.
13.3 Packet Requests
Any packet can be requested at any time using the request packet. See section 13.8.2.
13.4 Packet Acknowledgement
When configuration packets are sent to Spatial, it will reply with an acknowledgement
packet that indicates whether the configuration change was successful or not. For
details on the acknowledgement packet, see section 13.8.1.
External data packets will also generate negative acknowledgement packets if there is
a problem with the packet. Positive acknowledgements will not be sent.
13.5 Packet Rates
The packet rates can be configured either using Spatial Manager or through the
Packets Period Packet. By default Spatial is configured to output the System State
Packet at 50Hz. When configuring packet rates it is essential to ensure the baud rate is
capable of handling the data throughput. This can be calculated using the rate and
packet size. The packet size is the packet length add five to account for the packet
overhead. For example to output the system state packet at 50Hz the calculation
would be:
Data throughput = (100 (packet length) + 5 (fixed packet overhead)) * 50 (rate)
Data throughput = 5250 bytes per second
Minimum baud rate = data throughput x 11 = 57750 Baud
Closest standard baud rate = 115200 Baud
When multiple packets are set to output at the same rate, the order the packets
output is from lowest ID to highest ID.
13.6 Packet Timing
Packets are output in order of packet ID from lowest ID to highest ID and all packets
that are output in one sequence have their data matched to the same time of validity.
The time of validity can be found in either the System State Packet, the Unix Time
Packet or the Formatted Time Packet. For example if the Unix Time Packet, Status
Packet and NED Velocity Packet packet were all set to output at 10 Hz, at each 0.1
second period the three packets would output consecutively by order of packet ID with
all data synchronised between them and the Unix Time Packet providing the time of