QS2 Series Low-voltage Servo
Speed control
1. When P4=2, the system is under
speed mode
2. When P5=1 or EN signal is
valid, the motor start running.
3. When P25=1, motor speed is
controlled only by inter parameter,
motor speed is ± (P35/2024) *P26 rpm.
4. When P25=0, the motor speed is
determined by voltage between pin 20
and pin 19 of CN1 port. Revolution is ±
(VIN/10V)*P26 rpm.
Torque control
1. When P4=3, the system is under
moment mode.
2. When P5=1or EN is valid, the
motor operates.
3. When P25=1, the moment is
controlled only by inter parameter,
maximum output torque is ±
(P36/2048)*P56, current unit: A.
4. When P25=0, the maximum output
torque is determined by TIN, which
existed between pin 21 and pin 22 of CN1.
The torque is ± (TIN/10V)*P56, current
unit: A.
5. During the running process, the
speed will not over P27.
Torque controlled operation