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Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 4.0
Max “Fit Visible” sets the maximum magnification level for the Fit Visible view
and for viewing articles.
Color chooses a color management system for interpreting color accurately
across devices.
Allow Background Downloading allows a PDF document to continue
downloading from the Web, even after the first requested page displays on-
screen in a Netscape Navigator-compatible browser. If you do not select this
option, only the requested page downloads to your computer, and other pages
are downloaded as you request them.
Note: You will get unexpected results from the Go Back command in your Web
browser if you do not select this option. For example, if you link to another
document from a partially downloaded PDF document and then want to
return to that document by using Go Back, you return to the first page of the
PDF document, even if you were not on the first page. This option should
alleviate most cases of unexpected Go Back behavior in your Web browser.
Display Splash Screen At Startup shows the splash screen each time Acrobat
Reader is started.
Display Open Dialog At Startup shows the Open dialog box each time
Acrobat Reader is started.
Open Cross-Doc Links In Same Window opens linked PDF documents and
views in one window to minimize the number of windows open in Acrobat
Reader. If you do not select this option, a new window is opened for each new