Acrobat Pro X Quick Start Guide
Adobe Acrobat Pro X is software that allows you to create and edit PDF documents. PDF stands for
Portable Document Format, which is a global standard for sharing documents on nearly any computer.
1) Opening Acrobat Pro X and navigating around a PDF
2) Rearranging, inserting, and deleting pages
3) Changing and inserting text
4) Changing and inserting images
5) Saving your document
1) Opening Acrobat Pro X and navigating around a PDF
To open a PDF for viewing or editing in Acrobat Pro X, launch Pro X and click on the Open button in the
welcome box that appears.
You will also have the option of creating a PDF. PDFs are
not designed to be created from scratch, but rather from
an existing document. Generally, you will create a
document in a program like MS Word or Adobe InDesign
and publish it as a PDF within the original program. You
will then be able to view and make simple edits to the
PDF within Acrobat Pro X.
Once your PDF is open, you can use the navigation tools at the top left to move around your document.
2) Rearranging, inserting, extracting, and deleting pages
To rearrange pages in a PDF, open the Page Thumbnails panel on the left edge of the
screen. You can click and drag the thumbnail of a page to move it to another location
in the document.
Click here to open the Page
Thumbnails panel, which will
give you small previews of
every page in the document.
You can click on a thumbnail
to jump to that page.
Type a page
number to jump
to that page.
Selection tool – click
it to highlight text
and graphics.
Panning tool – allows
you to click and drag to
move around a page.
Zoom – click to
zoom in or out.
Window width,
which zooms in
until the width of
the page is the
width of the
entire screen.
Fit to one full page, which
zooms out enough to fit one
page, top to bottom, on the
screen in its entirety.