Admiral C322C17 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание C322C17


Страница 2: ...r 6826 3rd IF Amplifier 6CB5 4th IF Arnplifier LZBYT Luminance Y Arnplilier 6au6 Gated AGC 5UB Sound IF lst Audio Arnp 6AL5 Ratio Detector 6V6cT Audio Output 6AW8 lst Chrorna Arnp Color Killer 5CL6 Chrorna Amplifier LZB IT Chrorna Demodulator LAXPZZA Picture Tube V501 5BH8 Burst Amp Pulse Shaper V502 6AL5 Color Phase Discrirninator V503 6U8 3 58 MC Osc Osc Control V601 6CS6 Sync Separator V602 6CG...

Страница 3: read cornpletely before rnaking any color set up adjust ments I N SI A t L AI I O N RE Q U I R E M E N I S The color receiver should be placed away frorn bright windows or lights Sorne light in the roorn is desirable but should not fall directly on the screen Receiver should always be viewed in a roorn with low light 1eve1 Allow for adequate ventilation Receiver should be placed away frorn radi...

Страница 4: ... color purity I4rith careful and accurate adjustments good color purity can be achieved for each o the three fields with good black and white reproduction Very smalL areas of irnpurity at any of the four corners 6r sides of the raster are considered acceptable BTACK AND WHlTE TR ACKING The black and white tracking adjustment is another irnportant consideration If properly rnade the color set will ...

Страница 5: ...atisfactory eolor reception Many TV boosters do not have suffi cient bandwidth for color reception Standing waves present on the antenna lead in can also result in poor color or no color reception The lead in should be properly rnatched to the r ceivurFelkninate tffi condi tion To deterrnine if standing waves are present any one o the two following rnethods can be used METHOD 1 Insert a LZ db pad ...

Страница 6: or with the cabinet back removed is a po tentlal shock hazard Z Severe shock can result without rnaking physical contact with any high voltage sources At all tirnes when the receiver is operating keep at least 3rr away frorn all points where high voltage is present 3 This set usea a rnetal coned picture tube that is protected by a covering insulator boot At the front edge of the tube near the ...

Страница 7: ...stomer should be farniliarized with the irnportance of correctly setting the Fine Tuning control If Channel Slugs need adjustment proceed as follows A Turn on set Allow 15 rninutes for warrn up B Tune in station and set for norrnal picture and sound C Set Fine Tuning control at approxirnately rnid rotation IMPORTANT See f igure 2 for position of Fine Tuning carn for rnid rotatlon setting When carn...

Страница 8: ...sted the sarne way on the color receiver as on a black and whlte receiver Be sure to adjust for best height and linearity with the picture set at ap proxirnately llZt beyond the top and bottorn lirnits of the rnask The HEIGHT and LINEAR ITY controls are located behind the rernovable panel under the safety glass frarne Re rrrove the four screws frorn under bottorn edge of the panel Panel can then b...

Страница 9: ... c r i r i l ii lli i lef iia i l r r r ii r t1t1 1ij rii i i rirrielr r 1r iu 1i i 1iiN 45 d ffi r E Sl lrr i l t I tti i i ti rt tr i da ii i iii j i r ti l t i HORTZ CENT tO 9 FUSES Figure 3 Top Rear View of COLOR STRIPE TEST Chas sis Showing VERT CENT HOR rZ SYNC HOR rZ DR VE Adjustrnent and Control Locations ...

Страница 10: ...nt of the HORIZONTAL LINEARITY control by the service technician If adjustment is required the follow ing method is recomrnended Note A DC milliarnmeter 0 500 ma range is required for this adjustrnent Adjust as follows l Rernove fuse F604 frorn its holder See Tube Location Diagrarnil page 66 for fuse location z Insert a Dc rnilliarnrneter between fuse holder terrninals positive terrninal of rneLer...

Страница 11: ...h voltage would be set at g4 x 20 000 volts or 18 800 volts Maxirnurn Horizontal Output tube cur rent becornes 94 x 210 rnilliarnperes or 19 rnilliarrrperes and rninirnurn optirnurn regulator current 94 x 750 rnicroarnperes Rernove rneters and replace test jurnper wire and fuse Repeat steps 4 andT if necessary overscan should be approxirnately I Ll4 inch each side Il Recheck vertical height and li...

Страница 12: ...pole piece approximately at a two orclock position as viewed from the base end of the picture tube The assernbly stides along the neck of the tube sirnilar to an ion trap rnagnet on a black and white receiver PURITY RINGS The PURITY RINGS should be positioned grid ff4 of the electron guns The pURITy CONVERGENCE YOKE ASSE ITBtY over the opening between grid f3 and RINGS slide along the tube neck Th...

Страница 13: ...Transparent View of Neck of Picture Tube Showing Correct Positioning of Parts Adjustrnent Locations and Identification o o o o D t 1 i I I I GRILL CLOTH COVERED PANEL SLIOES DOWN AFTER SCREWS HAVE BEEN REMOVED ANGLE AT WHICH MUST BE SCREWDRIVER USED ru POSTTTON OF SCREWS rD Figure 6 Front Panel Rernoval ...

Страница 14: ...he following steps a Slide BLUE LATERAL MAGNET and PURITY RINGS toward base of tube neck b slide CONVERGENCE coIL ASSEMBLy toward base of tube c Check yoke centering about neck of picture tube lf yoke is not centered and yoke brackets are not dented etc check the two hex nuts G r under the yoke to be sure they are tight see Figure 5 Figure 5 shows location of only one hex nut Gtr The other is in s...

Страница 15: ...o 15 feet this distance can be simulated by withdrawing the coil to a distance of about 5 feet and then gradually reducing the coil supply voltage to zero by use of a Variac or sirnilar device 6 Repeat steps 3 through 5 CHECK ond ADJUSI COtOR PURIf Y os follows I If ront panel has not been rernoved rernove the four screws frorn under the rernovable panel covered with grille cloth on rnost rnodels ...

Страница 16: ...CREEN and GRID controls contrast conlrol at rninirnum control near rnaxirnurn If any hnpurity exists continue with Step 13 Loosen screws IBrr see Figure 3 Move the yoke back and forth and rotate each pURI TY RING going back and forth frorn one to the other until the purest red raster is ob tained over most of the screen area particularly over the central top and bottorn areas Adjust the six RIM MA...


Страница 18: ... the Blue Lateral Magnet in its holder on the tube neck See Figure 5 The DYNAMIC Convergence controls are located on the front apron of the chas sis Rernove the four screws frorn under the rernovable front panel for access to controls The panel is then easily rernoved Identification of these adjustrnents is indicated in Figure 9 and on a label on the chassis apron ThC Effects o the HORIZONTAL and ...

Страница 19: all VERTICAL TILT controls to the center of their rnechanical rotation range zero saw waveform applied to convergence coils Z Set all VERTICAL AMPLITUDE controls cornpletely to the 1eft minirnurn waveforms applied to convergence coils 3 SEt A11 HORIZONTAL AMPLITUDE ANd A11 HORIZONTAL TILT CONtTO1S COTE StUdS 3 8 inch oulward frorn each coil See Figure 10 STATIC CONVERGENCE CONTROLS DYNAMIC C ON...

Страница 20: ...areas of the screen z 3 4 The DC CONTROLS cause sarrle d ot movement over the entire screen PRE t TIII N AR Y CONVERGE N CE area I Turn the RED GREEN and BLUE DC BLUE LATERAL MAGNET within its controls and if necessary turn the holder to forrn white dots in the central BLUE GREEN AND RED DOTS SUPERIMPOSEO area of the screen See Fi gure t l Caution Do not turn or rotate the BLUE LATERAL MAGNET ASSE...

Страница 21: ...d BLUE SCREEN and the GREEN and BLUE GRID controls for norrnal red green and blue cross hatch pattern using cross hatch generator 2 Using the blue vertical center line as reference adjust the RED and GREEN VERTICAL AMPLITUDE CONTROLS to rnake the red and green lines syrnrnetrical about or to over lap the vertical blue center reference 1ine I I 6 6 6 6 I i o I 6 6 o t 9 6 Gl rl i b EFFECT OF GREEN ...

Страница 22: ...NTROL in clockwise to obtain as straight a horizontal center blue line as possible 4 Statically converge the center of the raster if necessary 5 Repeat steps I through 4 with the RED HORIZONTAL CONTROLS The bow in the red center line is slightly upward just to the right of the center of the screen in this case 6 Repeat steps I through 4 with the GREEN HORIZONTAL CONTROLS The bow in the green cente...

Страница 23: ...CoNVERGENCE rnay also need a touch up A touch up procedure for convergence is 1 to fo1low the step by step procedure given under CONYERGENCE cornplete set up and 2 rnake only the adjustrnents which are nec essary to obtain the results rnentioned in each step If the receiver requires only a touch up the adjustrnents under CONVERGENCE will be easier to rnake and will take less time BLACK ond WHITE T...

Страница 24: low B Plus Voltage as 1ow as 125 volts thus assuring longer life to cotrrponents and tubes The 6BN4 is used as a neutralized triode RF arnplifier The input transforrner T101 rnatches the 300 ohm balanced input antenna lead in to the unbalanced 75 ohrn input of the trrner The signal then is applled to two IF traps one paralle1 one in series These traps are stagger tuned to provide optirnurn IF r...

Страница 25: ...mplifiers are controlled by autornatic gain control To further rninirnize cross rnodulation the tubes are of rernote cut off type The screen grids on these three tubes are rnade urther rernote by using a dropping resistor in the B plus line LUTIIINANCE CHANNEL The lurninance Y channel function is sirnilar to that performed in black and white re ceivers that of arnplifying the lurninance inforrnati...

Страница 26: ...the color receiver rernoves the color inforrnation frorn the cornposite video signal builds it up dernodulates it and distributes it in proper proportions to the three guns in the picture tube Several stages work together to perform these tasks Chrorninance Detector A gerrnaniurn diode Admiral part nurnber 93A8 1 is used as a cornbination chrorninance and sound detector The diode is the sarne type...

Страница 27: ... 58 MC phase d iscrirninator stage The arnplitude of the incoming burst determines the amount of ACC voltage fed back to the grid as gain control voltage In brief d uring color reception the first chrorna arnplifier conducts fully during hori zontal retrace tirne and according to the selting of the color intensity control during hor izontal trace tirne During black and white the tube conducts only...

Страница 28: ...scrirninator supplies norrnal operating bias to the grid of the 3 58 MC oscillator control tube V503A If the 3 58 MC oscillator increases slightly in frequency a rnore positive voltage is developed and applied to the grid of the os cillator control tube This will essentially increase the capacitance of the control tube which shunts the oscillator tank thus reducing oscillator f requency If the osc...

Страница 29: ...rernents are the srnallest of the three color difference signals and that the G Y can be rnade up of the negative of R Y and B Y since G Y 51 R Y 19 B Y The G Y signal produced in the cathode circuit subtracts from the B Y and R Y sig nals produced in lhe plate circuit Therefore sufficient chrorna drive rnust be applied to the plates to produce the cathode signal as well as the plate signal To etr...

Страница 30: the other dernodulator Y4038 receives the signat that has been de layed A two section low pass filter having a 560 ohrns characteristic irnpedance provides 63 6 degrees phase shift The use oftwo sections rnakes the value of circuit cornponents less critical and irnproves stability Only one adjustrnent is reguired to obtain 63 5 degrees relative phase shift see Phase Alignment on page 48 Pul...

Страница 31: ...present at the input of the color phase discrirninator a DC voltage negative polarity is developed at pin l cathode of the color phase discrirninator This voltage supplies norrnal operating bias to the 3 58 MC oscillator control tube and cut off blas to the color killer tube Thus the color killer is cut off during color transrnission and will not disable the chrorna channel The first chrorna arnpl...

Страница 32: ...weak or interrnediate signal areas This srnall positive voltage is called Delay Voltage t ErcS_Se p r t a N i l l y6 L This circuit is used to irnprove sync stability in nolsy slgnal areas by elirninating noise pulses that occur during vertical and horizontal sync pulse intervals The cornposite video signal is applied to the first and thtrd grids of the sync separator tube 5CS5 The signal on the f...

Страница 33: ...r tube 6AQ5 Vertical sync input is frorn the plate ol Y602A sync inverter and clipper stage This positive slmc input is applied through the single section integrator circuit R628 C6I7 to the grid of the vertical oscillator Variable resistor R540 the height control varies the plate voltage that is applied to the vertical oscillator tube and so deterrnines the arnplltude of the oscillator output Ver...

Страница 34: for the dynarnic convergence circuits The horizontal arnplifier is auto transformer coupled to the horizon ta1 deflection coils as well as the focus and high voltage rectifiers Voltage for the DC convergence circuits is supplied from the cathode of the 6CB5A Secondary windings of the horizontal output transforrner T502 suppLies pulsed voltages to the horizontal dy narnic convergence circuits ho...

Страница 35: ...ases or de creases the regulator tube conduction increases or decreases thus regulating the high volt age DC This increase or decrease of the high voltage DC is caused by different bright ness levels of the picture tube more or less bearn current Low Voltage Rectifiers I Y702 The low voltage power supply consists of T701 the Power transforrner two type 5U4GB rectifiers connected full wave parallel...

Страница 36: ...l L d o o E q 1 5o Lt IJ t I trJ F of F L EEH rd0l F o v F z o U J u ro OE F tz Lo o oo Gt lrJ d 6c oo F F EL lr l F lo ElrJ a 9 oro o 9 uJ OJ L trJ o cA O trl J J OJ oi frF i o A 64 o F zYlgJ l o 33 L Figure 15 Block Diagrarn o Z9ZI Color TV Chassis ...

Страница 37: ...Page 37 I Figure 16 Sectional Identification of Circuits ...

Страница 38: ... and white receivers SIGNAL MARKER GENERATOR 4 5 MC frequencY 38 50 MC frequency range 50 90 MC frequency range L70 ZZ5 MC frequency range Must have a calibration crystal for checking dial accuracy SWEEP GENER ATOR The sweep generator rnust provide sweep frequencies frorn 38 to 50 Mc 50 to 90 Mc and 1 0 to zz5 MC The sweep width rnust be at least 10 MC The output rnust be adjust able with at least...

Страница 39: ...e Generator rnust produce stable srnall size dots Model duces either dots or vertical bars or horizontal bars ATIGNTIIENT TOOTS Non Metalltc FIBER Screwdriver 16 inches long llA inch diarneter 98A30 r9 Non Metaltic Alignrnent Wrench 9 inches long for Hexagonal Core IF part 98A30 LZ convergence TE 100 pro Adrniral part Slugs Adrniral Non Metallic Alignrnent Wrench 9 inches long for srnall Hexagonal...

Страница 40: tuner channel selector to channel 10 Adjust the RF plate trirnrner A1 and rnixer grid trirnrner AZ for flat response and the video carrier rnarker appearing o au so down from the peak of the overall response curve as shown on Figure 18 The RF tilt should be no gleater than 2 db 1 Z0olo lor all chan nels The valley dip between peaks should not vary I11ore t nan zoolo of the total arnplitude of t...

Страница 41: ...Poge 4l SOUND MARKER Figure I8 Over a11 RF Itr Response Curve THE POINT ON FINE TUNING CAM MUST BE IN THIS POSITION DURING TFALIGNMENT Figure 19 Front Yiew of Tuner ...

Страница 42: ...the 005 rn capacitor connected in step 4 8 4L 5 MC AIO Minirnurn 9 47 25 MC All 10 Repeat step 8 I1 Rernove the decoupling network frorn test point rrcrr and re connect to test point rrV r lz Dettrne 41 25 trap Al4 by inserting a piece of iron lnto the core 13 Detune AI3 by rnisadjusting its own slug before doing step 14 Top L4 44 Z MC Alz Maxirnurn 5 42 4 MC A13 15 Rernove piece of iron frorn AI4...

Страница 43: ...E LOCATION OF A8 FROM TOP VIEW OF TUNER AII BOTTOM SLUG 4Z 25 MC Ato TOP SLUG 41 25 MC A9 46 MC A7 45 lMC A6 4t 25MC A5 43 2 MC A 14 4t 2 5MC A16 4 5 MC A 5 TOP SLUG 4 5 MC Al7 Blo a l t BOTTOM SLUG 4 5 MC Al3 TOP SLUG BOTTOM SLUG 4 4 2MC 42 4MC Figure 21 Bottorn View of Chassis Showing Alignrnent Locations d ...

Страница 44: ...e Y Detector Load Resistor Ld Figure 23 IF ResPonse Curve with Markers at Test Point V 42 5MC 44 7 TO l5MG Fig ure 24 IF Response Curve at Test Point rCrr Sweep Gen Frequency Marker Gen Freq MC IF Center req 43 5 MC 42 5 MC 44 7 MC 45 75 MC Response curve and rnarker PiPs should appear as shown in Figure 23 If curve is tilted re adjust A5 sLightly to obtain egual Peaks Re adjust A to Positlon 45 7...

Страница 45: ...t poin rrl rr 4 Exactly 4 5 MC At7 Zero 5 Repeat steps 1 and 2 t o a b c TOUCH UP OF RATIO DETECTOR SECONDARY 417 USING TETEVISION SIGNAT Adjustrnent need be made on one channel only Turn set on and allow about 15 rninutes for warrn up Tune set for norrnal plcture and sound Carefully adjust the secondary slug A17 of the Ratio Detector Transformer using a non rnetallic alignrnent tool with a hexago...

Страница 46: ...round the color ki1ler pulse junction of C501 R501 Connect a 01 rnfd capacitor across the phase shift network coll L406 terminal 1 to 3 Connect an RF Signa1 Generator through a 3 3K ohrn resistor to the junction of L40l and C4OZ input of Ist chroma arnplifier Ground the grid pin I of the 4th IF tube V204 Detune 4 5 rnc trap L401 B 4 by turnlng slug out about three turns Adjust chrorna stages in th...

Страница 47: ...OCATION OF TOP VIEW OF A8 FROM TUNER AII BOTTOM SLUG 47 25 MC Alo TOP SLUG 4t 25 MC A9 46 MC A7 45 tMC A6 4t 25MC A5 43 MC Al4 4r 2 5MC Al6 4 5MC A15 TOP SLUG 4 5 MC Al7 i jl ti rl l 9 a tti i1lw BOTTOM SLUG 4 5 MC AI TOP SLUG 42 4MC BOTTOM SLUG 44 2MC Figure 25 Bottorn view of chassis showing Alignment Locations it ...

Страница 48: ... on scoPe Recheck step 6 and repeat if necessary as there is some interaction Remove clip lead connect in step I from junction of C501 R501 R504 Connect VTVM between the junction of L403 R5I3 and pin 6 cathode of lst Chrorna Arnp V40lA With Color Intensity control set at rnaxirnurn rneter should read 0 volt 11 0 volt Tune in black and white station With rneter connected as in step 8 and Color Inte...

Страница 49: ...out where the boot overlaps ends 5 Install the third boot so the overlap is in the upper right approxirnately the rl olclockrr position looking at the face of the tube 6 Install picture tube into chassis CAUTION In order to tilt the tube enough to slide over the rnounting brackets the yoke rnust be rernoved See yoke Rernoval instruc tions 7 Install the Rirn Magnet Assernbly strap yoke convergence ...

Страница 50: ...plywood strip to fit within the circle Use nails at several points along the circle to hold the plywood in p1ace Pay particular attentlon to the ends of the plylvood in order to get a srnooth circular joint Method B Follow steps a and b in Method A under steps 1 but use a piece of sheet d rnetal 4 wide and 0 11 16 1 1ong This won t be as rigid as plywood and lb will require more nails to hold it i...

Страница 51: ...age at pin SL of vsOZ Should be _ 6 volts fmproper Color s Picture and Sound OK Color Fidelity control for proper range and operation proper colors should be repro_ duced at approxirnately rnid range of Co1or Fidelity control If not set Color Fidelity to mid range and adjust L501 see schernat_ ic for proper colors Tube V403 W aveforrns at cathode and plates of y403 Waveforrns at control grids of y...

Страница 52: ...aveforrns at control grids of Y404 Pic ture tube Tube V403 Voltages at control grids of Y404 Picture tube Check for cathode to grld shorts in V404 Picture is dirn Sound OK Brightness control setting Tube V205 Circuitry o tube YZO5 Lurninance Detector CR201 Loss of color and sound Picture OK Sound and Chrorna Detector CF Z0Z Sound Bars in Picture Fine Tuning setting Oscillator Slug setting Rtr IF S...

Страница 53: ... and Picture Raster OK Antenna and Transrnission line for loose or broken connection Be sure Transrnission line is not shorting at receiver antenna ter rninals Tubes VI01 Vl02 and circuitry Tubes V201 YZ Z Y203 Y204 and cir cuitry Dirty coil contacts in tuner W eak or loss of Picture W eak Sound Raster OK Fine Tuning setting Oscillator slug setting Tubes V10I Vl02 Tubes V201 VZAZ V203 V204 y206 RF...

Страница 54: ...2 YZO1 YZOZ YZO3 YZO4 y205 y604 Y605 Arcing in Sweep horizontal section of receiver Srneared picture Sound OK Fine Tuning setting Tube V205 Lurninance Detector CR201 Open Peaking coils L302 Rtr IF alignrnent Poor Picture Detail Sound OK Fine Tuning setting Misrnatch in antenna sYstern Tube Y205 or circuitrY RF IF alignrnent Sound Bars in picture Fine Tuning or Oscillator slug adjustrnent Rtr II al...

Страница 55: ... Y605 Y606 Setting of Horizontal Drive Two heavy black horizontal bars in picture Open filter capacitor in power suppty One heavy black horizontal bar in picture Heater to cathode short in picture tube v404 Heater to cathode short in Y101 Vl02 vzol Yzoz Y203 Y204 V205 V403 Bend in picture at top Horizontal Lock adjustrnent L601 Tube Y604 and circuitry Poge 55 Ir tr II li t t i i l t 1i E t ti it t...

Страница 56: ... sync OK Tube V602 Capacitor C6L7 C618 W aveforrn check for presence of sync pulse at control grid of Y60ZB Loss of vertical and horizontal syrrc Interrnittent or weak horizontal and or vertical sync Tubes V601 V602 Loss of Horizontal Sync Vertical Sync OK Tube V504 and circuitrY Horizontal Lock adjustrnent L601 Sync Discriminator CR501 W aveforrns at tubes V602A Y504 and at Sync Dlscrirninator CR...

Страница 57: ...rns at V604 V605 grids Raster Itbloorns as brightness is increased Horizontal output tube y605 Znd Anode rectifier V6OB High voltage regulator V609 High voltage 20 KV at picture tube anode Insufficient raster brilliance Horizontal Drive adjustrnent Znd Anode power Supply Voltage Picture tube y404 Tilted Raster Position of deflection yoke Raster not centered Setting of positioning controls R560 R6g...

Страница 58: ...rol for open clrcuit Waveforrns at V6028 V603 Foldover of vertical sweeP Yertical oscillator tube V5028 Vertical output tube V603 Capacitor C623 for short Raster too srnall Insufficient Height and tridth Line voltage Power rectifier volt age outPut Height Vertical Linearity Horizontal Drive adjustrnents Excessive brightness Brightness control has no effect Brightness control R438 for oPen Irnprope...

Страница 59: ... 22o ooo ot 6os zzi B3 7 390 000 ohms 608 8 391 R318 IOrOOO ohms I watt part of L3O2 R319 2rlo0 ohms 10 watts 6fS ZO 8 R331 33o ohns 1 vatt 5oB 14 331 R4or lorooo otmst 7y 5oB 7 103 n4o2 IOrOOO ohrts ooe 7 ro3 Rl o3 120 ohns nun 1 only Jo t 121 R4oL 2rlOO ohms 7 watts 5rs zo 8 Rl o5 47orooo ohms 6os 8 4ZL R o5 27rooo ohms 2 watts 6or ao 273 Rl oT rooo ohns 5oe 8 roz Rl o8 lorooo ohms r watt 60B 1l...

Страница 60: ...1ro ooo oir rs 5oB 8 154 n55O Zr CAa ohrs Hor iz ijolcl cont o1 7i C L3 72 R5rr t r200 utr rs 7 5oy l giz Ir2CO oir s ll p rt o i C_ cOB I LZZ R r3 L ZOC olssts 5il pa t of i l5OL 5Oy 7 tZZ 5iL 20 otu rs 5oB 8 121 p icc r n T r v I r L UUlj O IU R556 5 ohrLrs 5on B 55o a65l lorOOC oh rs lC iat1 s 6fn zO 3 R5r8 4r7oo oitns I r ratt 5os T TZ 611 2OCrOoO o urs Foc1rs n rrl TjC 33 L f 650 lOO on s t l...

Страница 61: ...a mlc Part of M3O1 C3O9 0022 nf cera mic r Part of M301 Ca10 00 Ef ceranlc Part of M3O1 Call O2 af ceramlc atlse 55D 10 28 Ca12 O2 s cera nic dlsc 5rD to 28 CAPACIIORS Cont d Descriptlon Poge 6I Part No c3I3 47 nnf ceranlc dlsc 6ro lo 8o CaI1 o33 nf 5oo vo1ts 5 S 8 a9 c315 047 nof 4oo volts 544 B a8 catS qo4 mf 500 vorts 648 8 15 C31 oO mft cera nlc dtsc 65o to l cal8 oo5 af cera mic d1sc 6rn fo 5...

Страница 62: ...8 f5 C6 39 mn0f 2oO volts ll 4 6 8 22 e c5 6 39 nnf 2OO voIts 1G4 6l 9 22 2 c5 7 mnf 2oo vo1ts o p 6 n ez4 c648 47 mmf 2oo vo1t6 74 5 8 22 35 C70I o47 Dr f 5oO volts nolded 544 8 g CTOA 0 7 nmf 5OO volts nolded 6 g 8 g C O3A 80 nf rO volts I C7038 10 dr 350 volts felectrolytlc 6lO 15 t37 C7O3C 10 mf l 50 volts J c704A 100 mf 4r0 volts etectrolytlc 57D rr_135 c o4B 50 trf 45o _volts C7o7 o runf 5OO...

Страница 63: ...tature 871 Zr l 7 Bin shiel d base 878 23 4 7 pln Ehierd base v3oz 6ts 5 8te rl 7 9 pinr Ehield base 87l 23 2 9 pln for v5o7 uica 338 142 pin for v5o3 ttlca 87A 39 3 octal for V505 urca 878 3o 7 octa for v5or 5o9 303 7o1 e1o2 87A L Octal for v5o8 with shield eTe 5r Picture Tube 8 A 3 3 IISC PARTS FOR TUNERS ghleld tube 9t o rSr 50 Screw Trimner l 154 9 D BL 69 Nut Loeklng for trlmner 98A 4r 3I Bra...

Страница 64: ...r O fn O Y U C J N ntr1 lFl I o tl U rn 1 rn c l l o tl El n O f O r N C J r t t cr U o ft1 o l n I o o cf n O r CU m l l Ft ri t o n o I t I I r r r rl r C N nnO O O O J I F l t nCU O O O O O O CU 6 l C I J c 1 n l l r l r t n ft v o o a U cnQAQAOQ r l lCO O nmcnr 4 n n no n O O l N l n noammr m o i C N d ti o O o Ff cvn NGJ rrn nt O c o o _l r t l r J D F l I nmr nio dlU v r u 6 i r 1 r i i _t r...

Страница 65: ...e 55 l ir t iri t l t a i j l I i li I L r t 1 ss e F 6A o O o Es I EI I I UI I lr z 3 t IL I rL t D q o J I r Or P t oo E3 I I I t o rl l3 lq te al U or O lq o l rl l L r T I o 1 r o G lrJ l u I u T slr dtl 15 t L__ ...

Страница 66: ...202 9348 CR50l t383 4 cR60I 9345 2 U cR 90t rN824 v90r 6AF4A v902 68C8 v903 6U8 Y20t 6926 Y202 65z 6 v203 6826 v204 6C86 Y205 128Y7 v206 6AU6 Y30t 6118 Y302 6A15 v303 6Y6GT v40r 64w8 v402 6CL6 Y4O3 I2BH7 v404 2IAXP22A v50I 68H8 v502 6A15 v503 6U8 v50t 6cs6 v502 5Ce7 Y603 6AQ5 v604 6CG7 Y505 6C85A Y6O6 6AU4GTA y507 rv2 v608 3A3 v609 68t 4 v70t 5u4cB v702 5U408 cR20r 93A8 cR202 r3A8 cR50I 9383 4 cR6...

Страница 67: ...TVM between tube socket terrninals and chassis rrn Iess otherwise indicated o Yoltages at Vt01 and Vl02 measured frorn the top of the tuner with tubes ln socket Use of an adapter is recornmended O Yoltages at picture tube are shown with SCREEN and GRID controls set at rninirnurn and rnaxirnurn CONDITIONS T OR OBSERVING WAYET ORMS Warning Pulsed high voltages are present at the caps of V605 Y60 V60...

Страница 68: ...VHF TUI IER 94DI3I I I __l t ct0t I20 tol 5t xr07 5 It I X CIOI o o4rrrI M702 M 70t Pilol produc ion 5la l of toguldr produclioo fttE Tt ilt6 cI9 tlN tol usft 0t ilt tottLs t20 218 c7038 o ...

Страница 69: ...401 a src TmP R 09 1 2 2t t00x ua 6BHl PI LSE SliT t L cB2o2 i r c22o 1 6 t t t00t i t vtRI Il I l t JL JI I 500 ioR l I r0Rit sYrc 0lsc cR60l r 162 1625 t5v vtflL 1 ll EWru LC6llL L r mf c60J 00rrl t6mv R622 rlt Nsl l It8 m wm rT rF r 13 c6ls c0 0 i 6C85 A IiORIi OUIPUl v605 Y0l EASSEISLY T6OIA M6OI IONIZ YOTE ffi L Ei lI reo R1 YOIE l l I l 5 I Itt rr Httexl R6 0 SIiG ...

Страница 70: ...109 1 itt I I _ t 2 6U8 SI AUD O v30rB 00v 0v 6Y6 rUDIO OUTPU vlo3 M302 tuc vltt M303 Prt vttf c320r 450 v R4r8 rtt r 6CL6 CHROIIA OUTPUT 6t 5tfr tuzlzg l n t Dtr00ljLrTof V4O5A r90v r l rc 9f uYt t 26U8 l5trc osc v5038 l lJ rc lli si l i 6 t 26U8 3 58tC oSC C0rn0L L pottptEcEAssEtBLy I r0 T602 n61 ...

Страница 71: ...rf IUilla cllS tf f qroMryru YiF rxTrlrr o2rr Jl f i q dMu i 500v H0nll VIOI vto 6C08 UJt vl f lltItfl vro2A c23 2a u20l Ml0a IF OUTPUI qMI_l1 ffi M7A M701 cr0 ll W 6C08 Yfll NC vt028 z sv ___r illl0 1 l0r I t60r lI i Liitr c603 00rrf r80or n 05 r0 5U4er L V TECTITIER F70t 2 UP tUSt v605 r70r ...

Страница 72: ...6 CHROII OIIIPUT v4a2 L405 l 5trc 12 vzl28 1 t l 0tr0DULlI v403A 64 L40r 5rc nrf tar2 1X t c5r0 3 5 2t cor oi flmJTt 05 OUIPIJI 3 22t1 _ i rrre 8a2 00r ilMMK 4J1 rn6CG7 sYlrc lu v602 a I 2 2i I s or cs z f csrr Loo4Trr Imrff J lll xm12 6AU etr ll 2 0rlPtt t0cl s Rtct ti r v606 v607 I crr I50 3tr I I L___ _ ...

Страница 73: ... l tzt 6UB R rsl ruoD v30t8 i0 y 1 ztf 0v t r uz 68VB 2I0 rlj0l0 v3028 Rl2l Uz6UB t i 56rc 0sc coliIRot c56 20 cR50r v503A h521 l 2r aaoa r9Ph 0r ll t5u 22X LC520 22rt I 5v ct t llxF rnl2BHI g r 0fr 00l uT0R v4038 Oscilloscop6 ...

Страница 74: ...r I I i U ffi I ttt l l l he treere6 t l t r lt E frt _ F ffi J r r1 Phonogrophs TTWAP Printed in U S A U Forn No 5592 cHlcAGo ltuilols to 56 ...
