MLT1132 Piezo Respiratory Belt Transducer
Transducer Series
The MLT1132 Piezo Respiratory Belt Transducer generates
a voltage when there is a change in thoracic or abdominal
circumference due to respiration. It contains a piezo-
electric device that responds linearly to changes in length.
The transducer is a solid-state device that requires no
excitation and connects directly to a PowerLab BNC input.
It is comfortable to wear, rugged and reliable. MLT1132 is
MR unsafe, for use in MR environments see MLT1133.
The transducer contains a sensor placed between two elastic strips. Stretching the elastic
places a strain on the piezo sensor, which generates a voltage. When there is no strain or
changes in length, such as periods of no breathing, the signal returns to zero. The device
should be placed around the body at the level of maximum respiratory expansion. This
level will change between upright and supine positions. The velcro extension allows size
adjustment. At maximum inspiration the belt should be stretched almost to maximum
extension. This allows the recording of respiratory changes with maximum sensitivity
and linearity.
The MLT1132 is used to observe respiration by measuring changes in abdominal or
thoracic circumference. These measurements can indicate inhalation and expiration
as well as used to derive breathing rate. The transducer may be used to characterize
breathing patterns. The velcro extension belt allows the transducer to be used on
humans and larger animals.
Typical Data
Breathing trace recorded at rest and during panting.