Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
M-Bus Master / Modbus TCP Slave
Document code: MN67044_ENG Revision 2.100 Page 15 of 37
In the field “
Node State value when slave device is not present
” it is possible to insert the value to assign to the “Node State”
register when the converter doesn’t find the interrogated M-Bus slave;
If the field “
Use Fic C Field
” is checked, it is possible to define a fixed C field in the M-Bus requests sent to the M-Bus meters;
If the field “
Reply with Exception Until First Read
” is checked, the converter sends back the exception code 0x0B if the M-Bus
meters don’t reply at least one time. After the first reading, the converter gives back the last data read from the M-Bus meters (only
for “Cyclic” mode).