Proudly presenting ADCOM’s latest melding of digital precision with analog horsepower:
The GTP-870HD 7.1 Multichannel Tuner/Preamplifier
Multichannel Tuner/PreAmp
Digital precision, analog hor
Back to Basics-
The separate
Great Tuner-Preamp
In recent years the video-centric custom in-
stallation crowd has shifted en masse to the
specification of low-cost integrated A/V Re-
ceivers for install convenience and rack space
conservation - not for purposes of maximizing
audio and video performance.
When opportunity arises for a home theater and music playback system to upgrade from mere convenience-based “good” to actual performance-driven
“better or best” categories, A/V separates still rule. Why is that? Greater “real estate” to maximize uncompromised circuit design and component
choices. Banishment of noise-inducing elements far apart from sensitive, low-level signal information. Flexibility and upgradeability. Raw horsepower...
to name but a few.
The entirely separate new GTP-870HD preamp/processor offers superlative technical specifications along with a comprehensive list of useful features
and digital signal-processing modes. Foregoing jewelry-mart cosmetics and bazillions of buttons in exchange for premium-grade circuit components,
the GTP-870HD delivers long-lasting build quality, swappable internal circuit-card construction and robust all-discrete serial port communication for
remote control, updates and upgrades.