P A C K - P O W E R S Y S T E M ™
P l e a s e r e a d t h i s g u i d e b e f o r e
i n s t a l l i n g a n d o p e r a t i n g t h e
P a c k - P o w e r S y s t e m ™
Pack-Power is compatible with many input sources, including
solar panels, automobiles, military vehicles, external
batteries, generators and wall outlets (via the AC adapter).
The system can accept up to 150W, which allows
simultaneous full 100W output and battery charging. Note:
Auto-start (selected via PC App USB B) turns unit on upon
application of input power
Pack-Power provides up to 100W total continuous output
including the VDC regulated output and USB hub. Each USB
3.0 Type A connector is capable of delivering up to 10W (5V
@ 2A)
Power Input:
Power Output:
0 to 100% SOC requires approximately 3 hours based on
50W charging power.
Note 1: In order for system to charge, input power must be at
least 50W greater than the total load.
Note 2: Use Deep Sleep Mode (user selectable) for extended
shelf life
Battery Charging:
C h a r g e b a t t e r y w i t h i n 2 4 h o u r s
a f t e r d e p l e t i n g t o 0 % S O C
1 0 0 W M a x i m u m t o t a l o u t p u t p o w e r
( V D C o u t p u t a n d U S B p o r t s )
With a typical 10 W total mean load,
Pack-Power delivers in excess of 9 hours runtime. At 100W
continuous output, load runtime is approximately 45 min.
Battery Runtime:
In addition to providing power, the USB
ports allow monitoring, control and transmit/receive data
exchange with a PC, tablet, or other devices. Compatible with
USB 2.0
SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Data Hub:
USB Remote Status Reporting:
The USB Data Hub also provides Pack-Power
operational information, including SOC discharging and
charging status. This information can be displayed on a
PC/tablet via the Acumentrics Pack-Power Application.
Optional Bluetooth Communications:
Provides operational status and control functions via the
optional Acumentrics Pack-Power PC Application
Power and Transmit/Receive Data
Active when Power ON
USB Type A: Connect to devices (10W max per port)
USB Type B: Connect to PC/Tablet
A.) SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Hub:
Light flashing: System charging
1 light: <25% charged
2 lights: 25%-50% charged
3 lights: 50%-75% charged
4 lights: 75%+ charged
4 lights, no flashing: 100% charged
B.) State of Charge (SOC):
C.) 12VDC Regulated Output (100W Maximum)
Providing Output Power
“12V” symbol illuminated when active
Fault condition
Note: 28VDC available as an option
D.) 10-30VDC Input (150W maximum)
Connected (to active power source)
Fault Condition
E.) Bluetooth Communications
(For use with optional Acumentrics Pack-Power
Mobile Application)
No light: Disabled
To enable: Press Bluetooth button.: Flashing
indicates ready to pair. Flashing
F.) POWER Pushbutton ON/OFF:
No light: OFF
Note 1.) To reset after Fault Condition, turn unit
OFF then ON.
Note 2.) To ensure long cycle life and safety, unit
will enter Deep Sleep Mode after 24 hours at
0% SOC. To "wake up" unit out of Deep Sleep
Mode, press power button twice within 3
Please activate deep sleep mode before
shipping or storage at 25 Degree C. If unit is at
100% SOC, shelf life is one year. If 0% SOC,
shelf life is six weeks.
G.) Bat Connector
For future expansion capabilities
Unit ON
D e e p S l e e p M o d e :
A c t i v a t i o n
: W h e n u n i t i s o n , p r e s s a n d
h o l d p o w e r b u t t o n u n t i l 5 r e d f l a s h e s
a r e o b s e r v e d . U n i t w i l l t h e n p o w e r o f f
( i n D e e p S l e e p m o d e . )
D e a c t i v a t i o n
: P r e s s p o w e r b u t t o n t w i c e
w i t h i n 3 s e c o n d s . U n i t w i l l t h e n t u r n o n .
Manual 91-0213_G
10 Walpole Park South, Walpole, MA 02081
Support: (617) 932-7877 or 844-RUPS-USA