5 / 11
7.2 LED instructions
5 LED indicators are used to indicate the status of the insulation monitor:
"ON": when the device is working normally, the indicator light flickers, and the scintillation
frequency is about once a second.
"COMM": when the device has communication data to receive or send, the indicator light flickers.
"ERROR": when the device PE, KE breaks, the indicator light flickers.
"WARNING": When the insulation resistance of the monitoring is less than the warning value, the
warning indicator light flickers.
"ALARM": when the insulation resistance of the monitoring is less than the alarm value, the alarm
indicator light flickers.
7.3 Function description of keys
There are four buttons in the device. They are Self-checking /Backspace, Up key, Down key,
Menu / Enter respectively.
7.4 Operation instructions of keys
7.4.1 Key operation under the main interface
(1) When starting up, enter the main interface by default. If there is no other key operation, the
system will go into the main interface and work. The insulation resistance value, the leakage
capacitance value and the current system time are showed on the main interface.
Press up and
down key
Press ESC to return
Press up and
down key
ESC return
SOE Record
NO.01:alarm R= 4K
time:15-07-01 11:30
2015-07-02 12:30:45
Insu. Rf > 10 M
Leakage Ce = 000 uF
ESC return
SOE Record
NO.02:alarm R= 10K
time:15-07-01 11:28
(2) Check the alarm record. In the main interface, one can enter the event record query interface
by pressing the "Up" or "Down" to turn the page to successively query the most recent 20 fault
records. The first one is the latest record, and the twentieth record is the oldest one.
(3) Self-examination of the instrument. When press the "TEST" button, the monitor will start the
Key function
In the non-programming mode, it is used to start the self-checking;
In programming mode, it is used to exit.
Up key,
Down key
In the non-programming mode, it is used to read the alarm record;
In programming mode, it is used to increase or decrease the figure.
In non-programming mode, press button to enter programming mode;
In programming mode, they are used as Backspace confirmation or selection