SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
Once supply has been disconnected due to an automatic disconnection after an under
frequency condition, the meter will assess whether supply frequency has returned to an
acceptable level at predefined time intervals. The meter supports an automatic
reconnection of the supply/load control relays if the supply frequency has recovered above
a predefined threshold for a predefined period of time. For the main supply relay, when
supply is reconnected after an under frequency load shedding condition, the automatic
disconnect after reconnect due to load being detected will be ignored, since it is expected
that there will be load at the premise. The reconnection may be selected as closing the relay
immediately or arming the meter.
Reconnection Event Generation After Automatic Disconnection
The SGM3000 Series meters will generate a supply reconnection event when the main relay is
closed after an automatic disconnection action. The SGM3000 Series meters will generate an
event log entry when the supply relay is reconnected after an automatic disconnection.
4.5 Supply Reconnection
The SGM3000 Series meters support reconnection of the main supply to a premise.
When reconnecting supply in a three-phase meter, the supply will only be reconnected if all
enabled phases are re-energized.
If the relay is open and a manual or automatic event to close the relay is pending, the main
supply relay will not be closed if an internal malfunction is detected.
Managing Power Loss Condition
The SGM3000 Series meters support load side voltage sensing, enabling opening of the main
supply relay when a pending loss of power is detected. If enabled, the meter will open the relay
when power loss is detected and will return the relay to the closed state when power returns,
unless there is a load side voltage detected.
Arming and Disarming
The SGM3000 Series meters support a supply arming function to provide a safer means of
reconnecting supply to a premise, especially when activating supply remotely. The physical
meter will be able to be armed or disarmed locally or remotely; however, supply will not be
connected to the premise until the reconnection button is physically pressed on the meter. A
resident of the premise can access the physical reconnection button. It does not require an
authorized technician to press the reconnection button.
When the meter is in the armed state, the LCD will blink indicating that the main supply relay is
open but armed. When the reconnection button is pressed on the meter, the main supply relay
will close for supply to be reconnected to the premise. The SGM3000 Series meters will support
manual disarming of an armed meter, locally via MeterMate or remotely via the AMI interface.