ACL SR-209 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

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Содержание SR-209

Страница 1: ...ACL VHF UHF RECEIVER TYPE SR 209 INSTRUCTION MANUAL ASTRO COMMUNICATION LABORATORY 9125 Gaither Road Gaithersburg Maryland Courtesy of http BlackRadios terryo org...

Страница 2: ...VHF UHF RECEIVER TYPE SR 209 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Astro Communication Laboratory 9125 Gaither Road Gaithersburg Maryland Courtesy of http BlackRadios terryo org...

Страница 3: ...n modules and printed circuit assemblies provide the versatility This manual is about the basic receiver and its printed circuit assem blies Plug in modules are referenced for continuity in presentati...

Страница 4: ...u n i n g H e a d 2 2 3 I F A m p l i fi e r D e m o d u l a t o r 2 4 4 S i g n a l D i s p l a y U n i t 2 5 5 B a t t e r y P a c k 2 6 6 E l e c t r o n i c S w e p t H e a d s 2 6 SECTION III INS...

Страница 5: ...a l C i r c u i t D e s c r i p t i o n 4 3 3 Typical Medium Bandwidth IF Amplifier IF 211 100 4 4 A Similarities and Differences Between IF 211 100 a n d O t h e r M e d i u m B a n d w i d t h A m...

Страница 6: ...E 1 G e n e r a l J 2 T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g 5 1 3 T e s t E q u i p m e n t 5 2 4 Preliminary Procedures for Measurement and A l i g n m e n t o 3 5 1 2 V o l t P o w e r S u p p l y P S 1 0 3...

Страница 7: ...5 I F A m p l i fi e r s 5 1 0 A N o r m a l O p e r a t i n g V o l t a g e s 5 1 0 B M o d u l e A l i g n m e n t 5 1 0 C A M A l i g n m e n t 5 1 2 D F M A l i g n m e n t 5 1 2 1 0 I F 1 1 2 F...

Страница 8: ...URERS LIST 1 P a r t s L i s t 6 1 R e c e i v e r S R 2 0 9 6 2 3 0 0 K H z I F A m p l i fi e r I F 2 1 2 3 0 0 6 7 1 0 0 K H z I F A m p l i fi e r I F 2 1 1 1 0 0 6 1 3 2 0 K H z I F A m p l i fi...

Страница 9: ...R 2 0 9 F u n c t i o n a l B l o c k D i a g r a m 5 1 I F A m p l i fi e r A l i g n m e n t Te s t S e t u p 5 2 I F 2 1 2 F a m i l y A M R e s p o n s e 5 3 I F 2 1 2 F a m i l y F M D i s c r i...

Страница 10: ...p l i fi e r I F 1 1 2 1 0 7 5 7 5 7 4 B I F A m p l i fi e r I F 11 2 1 0 S c h e m a t i c 7 5 A A G C A m p l i fi e r A G C 2 0 2 2 7 6 7 5 B A G C A m p l i fi e r A G C 2 0 2 2 S c h e m a t i...

Страница 11: ...5 I F 2 1 2 F a m i l y T r a n s i s t o r V o l t a g e s 5 5 I F 2 1 2 F a m i l y A m p l i fi e r C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 5 6 I F 2 1 2 F a m i l y F M R e s p o n s e C h a r a c t e r i s...

Страница 12: ...ONTENTS LIST OF TABLES Cont AGC 202 2 Transistor Voltages AA 206 Transistor Voltages COR 201 Transistor Voltages VA 202 1 Transistor Voltages AFC 203 Transistor Voltages Main Chassis Transistor Voltag...

Страница 13: ...Figure 1 1 VHF UHF Receiver SR 209 1 0 Courtesy of http BlackRadios terryo org...

Страница 14: ...mblies for the highest degree of versatility Plug in modules are available in electronic swept heads covering 30 to 1000 MHz in tuning heads covering 2 to 12 000 MHz in signal display units for panora...

Страница 15: ...Hz or less BFO PITCH control on the tuning head provides the beat note adjustment which is supplied as audio to the front panel PHONES jack and to rear panel speaker terminals Three IF amplifier demod...

Страница 16: ...main chassis markings are black silk screened Top and bottom dust covers are aluminum and slide off along the side panels to facilitate maintenance The printed circuit assemblies are exposed when the...

Страница 17: ...input range of 70 db above 5 uv FM Stability IF Bandwidths From 10 t o 3 0 0 K H z L e s s t h a n 2 d b o u t p u t v a r i a t i o n for input above 1 5 uv IF Bandwidths 500 KHz a n d W i d e r O u...

Страница 18: ...ase P o w e r C o n s u m p t i o n 2 5 w a t t s a p p r o x i m a t e l y w i t h s i g n a l display unit W e i g h t 3 0 p o u n d s m a x i m u m D i m e n s i o n s 3 1 2 H x 1 5 1 1 6 D x 1 6 7...

Страница 19: ...10 20 to 70 S H 2 0 1 P 4 5 to 90 5 5 60 60 8 30 to 100 above 90 MHz SH 271P 6 5 60 60 15 55 to 260 SH 202P 6 5 80 50 15 to 260 25 90 to 300 above 260 MHz SH 272P 8 0 100 90 8 225 to 400 SH 203P 10 9...

Страница 20: 1 KHz rate for 17 db S N N min 1 KHz rate 7 KHz deviation SH 200 I F 2 11 6 0 60 21 4 2 uv mod 50 2 uv mod at VHF 2 5 at 1 KHz rate 1 KHz rate 20 KHz deviation SH 200 I F 2 11 1 0 0 100 21 4 3 uv...

Страница 21: ...rate 1000 KHz deviation SH 200 IF 212 4000 3500 21 4 30 uv mod 50 30 uv mod at UHF p p at 1 KHz rate 1 KHz rate 1350 KHz deviation Other standard IF assemblies provide bandwidths of 10 25 and 50 KHz f...

Страница 22: ...y provide identical frequency coverage as the SH 200 series tuners para graph 2 with the added feature of electronic tuning Electronic tuners may be manually tuned to a discrete frequency or electroni...

Страница 23: ...Printed circuit assemblies plug in receptacles on the main re ceiver chassis Figure 3 1 To reach these assemblies remove the top dust cover Observe the reference designations silk screened adjacent t...

Страница 24: ...the left To install a module push it straight forward into the main chassis The rear panel plug will automatically mate in a receptacle on the receiver Secure by tightening the front panel pawl faste...

Страница 25: ...a 21 4 MHz input for VHF UHF tuning heads 6 J9 VIDEO OUTPUT Connect a video recorder to this type BNC connector The output is 5 volts peak to peak into a 93 ohm load 7 TBI Terminals 1 2 and 3 These a...

Страница 26: ...a tuning head and a battery pack For configurations containing two tuning heads set to L to energize the tuning head on the left B FM Operation 1 Set POWER selector as required The POWER ON lamp and t...

Страница 27: ...ired frequency with coarse tuning con trol while observing SIGNAL STRENGTH meter Tune for maximum indication 5 Adjust FINE TUNING control for more accurate tuning Tune for center scale indication on T...

Страница 28: ...ation for the carrier operated relay For inputs above the COR SENS level the carrier operated relay will remain energized An input below will cause the carrier operated relay to de energize The audio...

Страница 29: ...Courtesy of http BlackRadios terryo org...

Страница 30: ...Courtesy of http BlackRadios terryo org...

Страница 31: to include a discussion for all IF amplifier modules in one manual typical descriptions of those most comm only used are provided in paragraphs 2 3 4 and 5 The IF 212 amplifier family has two stage...

Страница 32: ...e rear panel VIDEO OUTPUT connector The audio amplifier module is operative when the COR squelch amplifier module is energized The audio output from this module will drive a 600 ohm load attached to t...

Страница 33: ...ction The 300 KHz IF amplifier consists of two 21 4 MHz cascode amplifier stages each stage followed by an LC type double tuned circuit an AM detector and video amplifier two cascode limiter stages a...

Страница 34: and audio amplifiers 5 FM Video Amplifiers Demodulator output is applied to FM video amplifier Q10 an emitter follower The emitter of Q10 is filtered through L12 L12 a 21 4 MHz self resonant cho...

Страница 35: ...circuit is applied to the 2 5 MHz IF amplifier Q4 3 18 9 MHz Crystal Controlled Local Oscillator To convert the incoming 21 4 MHz signal to the final IF of 2 5 MHz a 18 9 MHz local oscillator signal...

Страница 36: ...tuned circuit is input to the limiter Q8 and Q9 in cascode Both are biased to limit when the incoming signal to the tuning heads barely rises above noise level Regardless of input level the limiter o...

Страница 37: ...d output video amplifier a beat frequency oscillator a cascode limiter a demodulator and an FM video amplifier 2 Input Mechanical Filter The input to the 10 KHz IF amp lifier is 0 455 MHz and is appli...

Страница 38: ...resonates at the IF frequency of 0 455 MHz to prevent the IF carrier from being coupled into the video amplifier circuit The detected output of CR2 is developed across the input of emitter follower Q...

Страница 39: ...ed and Ql through Q4 function as cascaded emitter followers Q5 and Q6 are dc amplifiers To gether with the two modulation filters and the AGC threshold control potentio meter RIO they supply the requi...

Страница 40: to the 600 ohm speaker line A 150 ohm tap is also available 9 Carrier Operated Relay COR 201 The carrier operated relay input is derived from the normal AGC voltage supply line Transistors Ql and Q...

Страница 41: ...lification included Zl which contains four diodes serves as a full wave rectifier bridge circuit A filter capacitor located on the receiver main chassis and connected to the output of the bridge recti...

Страница 42: ...ain factor of 20 is de termined by the ratio of R 6 and R7 Zl output is coupled through RC filter R9 CI and C2 and AFC switch S7 to the local oscillator circuit in the tuning head The AFC output signa...

Страница 43: ...cables used in delivering signals to or outputs from the receiver Use of the front panel controls and meters will also provide indications of module malfunction When a malfunction has been isolated to...

Страница 44: ...r maintenance and troubleshooting is shown in Table 5 1 The test frequencies output voltages and response curves presented in this section result from the use of this test equipment In the event of te...

Страница 45: to 20 volt cm Sweep Range 1 microsecond cm to 5 sec cm Input Impedance 1 meg ohm shunted by 47 pf VTVM WV 98C RCA Range 0 to 1500 volts ac and dc 0 to 1000 meg ohms Input Resistance 11 meg ohms dc...

Страница 46: ...2 8 6 6 13 5 7 2 21 8 13 5 12 Volt Power Supply Q3 Q4 12 8 6 6 13 5 7 2 21 8 13 5 B Power Supply Adjustment Measure the output voltage to determine if it is within tolerance Use an RCA Senior Voltohmy...

Страница 47: ...same circuit board configuration Transistor voltages in Table 5 4 are applicable to the IF 212 family Voltages were measured to chassis ground using an RCA Senior Voltohmyst Model WV 98C Refer to par...

Страница 48: ...4 Adjust sv eep generator frequency to 21 4 MHz and the out put to display a 4 cm oscilloscope response Adjust marker gain control to display a 21 4 MHz center frequency marker on the response 5 Adju...

Страница 49: ...I O I F A M F M I N P U T O U T P U T O U T P U T IF AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY Figure 5 1 IF Amplifier Alignment Test Setup P TO P BANDWIDTH 2 0 V NOTE Figure 5 2 IF 212 Family AM Response L l sweep head sh...

Страница 50: ...0 IF 212 8000 7500 10 2660 2 0 1 1 1 I OV MINIMUM MAXIMUM LINEARITY REGION 1 P TO P SEPARATION Figure 5 3 IF 212 Family FM Discriminator Response 8 IF 211 Family IF Amplifiers A Normal Operating Volta...

Страница 51: ...Amplifier Characteristics IF Amplifier 3 DB Bandwidth KHz Gain db IF 211 60 IF 211 75 IF 211 100 IF 211 150 60 10 75 10 100 10 150 10 62 3 62 3 60 3 59 3 C AM Alignment 1 Connect the test equipment F...

Страница 52: ...p Separation KHz Linearity KHz 1 3 bw from cf IF 211 60 120 20 3 IF 211 75 150 25 3 IF 211 100 150 30 3 IF 211 150 300 50 4 9 IF 210 or IF 215 IF Amplifier A Normal Operating Voltages Table 5 10 is a...

Страница 53: ...r Base Collector Q l 6 18 6 18 9 6 Q2 5 9 5 2 0 64 Q3 0 64 GRD 9 6 Q4 5 6 5 3 0 8 Q5 0 8 GRD 9 8 Q 6 5 2 5 1 11 4 Q 7 0 78 0 16 10 0 Q 8 2 8 2 1 0 78 Q 9 0 78 GRD 3 4 Q10 1 0 0 4 11 0 Mode selector in...

Страница 54: ...for maximum amplitude and L5 L6 CI 3 and C15 for maximum symmetrical response centered around the 21 4 MHz marker Figure 5 6 21 4 MHz 2 0 V Figure 5 6 IF 210 and IF 215 AM Response D FM Alignment 1 M...

Страница 55: ...Operating Voltages The IF 112 family of IF amplifiers utilize the same circuit board configuration Transistor voltages are in Table 5 13 Voltages were measured to chassis ground using an RCA Senior V...

Страница 56: ...Set oscilloscope for full scale horizontal sensitivity and 0 5 v cm vertical sensitivity 3 Adjust sweep generator frequency to 455 KHz and sweep rate to 15 Hz Adjust output to display a 3 cm unsatura...

Страница 57: ...y Figure 5 9 Peak to peak separation should be between 50 and 60 KHz 455 KHz LINEAR REGION _ L P TO P SEPARATION Figure 5 9 IF 112 Family FM Discriminator Response 6 Remove the 0 01 uf capacitor and i...

Страница 58: ...a 503 oscilloscope to XA4B pin 4 AM out 2 Set and adjust 606A signal generator for a zero TUNING METER indication 50 MHz at 2000 microvolts 3 Amplitude modulate the input signal 50 percent at 1000 Hz...

Страница 59: ...CW and COR DELAY to ON Table 5 17 COR 201 Transistor Voltages Transistor Symbol E m i t t e r Base Collector Number Q l 0 6 0 35 24 0 Q2 1 5 0 6 24 0 Q3 0 0 7 0 4 Q 4 0 0 4 24 0 Q5 23 0 24 0 24 0 Q6 2...

Страница 60: ...el WV 98C Refer to paragraph 4 for control settings Table 5 18 VA 202 1 Transistor Voltages Transistor Symbol Number E m i t t e r Base Collector Ql Q2 Q3 0 7 12 0 11 0 0 11 2 1 0 4 12 0 5 0 4 7 VIDEO...

Страница 61: ...ponent description 7 Component part number 8 Component manufacturer s name 9 Quantity desired r SURVEILLANCE RECEIVER SR 209 SYM O R I T E M NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION M F R PART NO QTY REQ A 1 A 2 2...

Страница 62: 500 MHz Electronic Swept Head A C L ESH 203P 500 to 1000 MHz Electronic Swept Head A C L ESH 204P Spectrum Display Unit ACL SDU 102AP Battery Pack A3 A4 AE IF Amplifiers ACL IF 112 IF 210 IF 215 21...

Страница 63: ...andescent Green Dialco 507 3917 1471 600 1 F l Fuse Cartridge 1 amp SLO BLO L i t t l e f u s e 313001 1 F2 Fuse Cartridge 1 2 amp SLO BLO Littlefuse M D L 1 2 1 J l Connector Receptacle E l e c t r i...

Страница 64: ...sition 330 ohms 5 1 4W A B CB3315 R 4 Resistor Variable Concentric R4 10K ohms 2 W R5 10 Kohms 2W A B JJC90998 R6 Resistor Fixed Composition 22K 5 1 4W A B CB2235 R7 Same as R 1 R8 Fesistor Fxd Compos...

Страница 65: ...s WI W2P1 Integral Part of W2 For reference only W2P2 Part of W2 H u b b e l l 7484 1 Spare Same as XA3A Spare Same as XA3A XA3A Connector Receptacle Electrical E l c o 00 5009 012 146 001 17 XA3B Sam...

Страница 66: ...O M E N C L AT U R E O R D E S C R I P T I O N M F R PA R T N O Q T Y R E Q XA13 Same as XA3A XDS1 L a m p h o l d e r D r a k e 4428 001 2 XDS2 Same as XDS1 XF1 Fuseholder Littlefuse 342014 2 X F 2 S...

Страница 67: ...500 ydqw Q C M C 0 1 8 1 C 8 Same as C2 C 9 Same as C6 C I O Capacitor Fixed Mica Dielectric 500 pf 5 500 vdcw Elmenco DM15 501J 1 C l l Same as C2 C12 Same as C2 C13 Same as C2 C14 Same as C2 C15 Sam...

Страница 68: ...Capacitor Fxd Mica Die 12 pf 5 500 vdcw Elmenco DM10 120J 1 C33 Same as C 1 C34 Same as C2 C35 Same as CZ C36 Capacitor Fixed Composition 1 5 pf 10 500 VDCW QC MC 1 5 z C37 Same as C36 C38 Capacitor...

Страница 69: ...s Ll L 5 Inductance Standard Fixed 5 6 mh CTC Z960 37 Z 1 L 6 Inductance Standard Variable A C L C 257 3 4 L 7 Inductance Standard Fixed 12 mh CTC Z960 41 Z 3 L 8 Same as L6 L 9 Same as L7 L10 Same as...

Страница 70: ...CB1035 7 R5 Same as P 4 T 6 Same as R 1 R7 Resistor Fixed Composition 10 ohms 5 1 4 w A B CB1005 1 P 8 Pesistor Fixed Composition 6 8 0 o h m 5 1 4 w A B CB6815 1 9 Pesistor Fixed Composition 1 k ohm...

Страница 71: ...2 R32 Same as R30 R33 Same as Rl R34 Resistor Fixed Composition 1 8 K ohm 5 1 4W A B CB18Z5 1 R35 Same as R4 R36 Resistor Fixed Composition 560 ohm 5 1 4W A B CB5615 l R37 Same as R30 R38 Same as R31...

Страница 72: ...OR ITEM NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION M F R PART NO QTY REQ P 47 3ame as P46 F 48 Same as R 1 R49 Resistor Fixed Composition 8Z0 k ohms 5 1 4 w A B CB8245 R50 oame as R 4 P51 Same as Rl 6 12 Courtesy of...

Страница 73: ...0 vdcw Elmenco DM15 471J 1 C 9 Capacitor Fxd Composition 2 2 pf 10 5 00 vdcw Q C MC Z Z 1 C I O Same as C5 C l l Same as C5 C1Z Same as C5 C13 Capacitor Fxd Mica Die 91 pf 5 500 vdcw Elmenco DM10 910...

Страница 74: ...pacitor Fixed Mica Dielectric 47 pf 5 500 VDCW Elmenco DM10 470J 1 C32 Same as C5 C33 Same as C5 C34 Same as C5 C35 Same as C5 C36 Same as C5 C37 Same as C28 C38 Capacitor Fixed Composition Z 0 pf 10...

Страница 75: ...Standard Variable A C L ACZ57 Z Z L 2 Same as Ll L 3 Inductance Standard Variable A C L ACZ57 7 4 L 4 Inductance Standard Variable A C L ACZ57 6 Z L 5 Same as L3 L 6 Same as L4 L7 Inductance Standard...

Страница 76: ...K ohms 5 l 4 watt A B CB1035 8 R5 Resistor Fixed Composition 100 ohms 5 4 watt A B CB1015 9 R6 Resistor Fixed Composition ZZ0K ohms 5 l 4 watt A B CBZZ45 2 R7 Same as R4 R8 Resistor Fixed Composition...

Страница 77: ...s R 14 R28 Same as R8 R29 Same as R5 R30 Resistor Fixed Composition 4 7 K o h m s 5 l 4 w a t t A B CB4735 2 R31 Same as R30 R32 Same as R20 R33 Resistor Fixed Composition 910 K ohms 5 l 4 watt A B CB...

Страница 78: ...ric 470 pf 5 500 VDCW Elmenco DM15 471J 2 C9 Capacitor Fixed Composition Z Z pf 10 500 VDCW QC MC 2 2 1 CIO Capacitor Fixed Tantalum 47 uf Z0 35 VDCW Sprague 150D474X0035A2 5 C l l Same as C5 C1Z Same...

Страница 79: ...500 VDCW Elmenrn DM10 100 T 7 C30 Same as C10 C31 Capacitor Fixed Mica Dielectric 47 pf 5 500 VDCW Elmenco DM10 470J 3 C3Z Same as C5 C33 Same as C5 C34 Same as C5 C35 Same as C5 C36 Same as C5 C37 S...

Страница 80: ...1N462 2 C R Z Semiconductor Device Diode Sylvania 1N87A C R 3 Same as CRI CR4 Same as CRZ C R 5 Same as CR2 L l Inductance Standard Variable A C L C 2 5 7 2 2 L Z Same as Ll L 3 Inductance Stnadard Fi...

Страница 81: ...ame as Rl R4 Resistor Fixed Composition 10 K ohm 5 1 4W A B CB1035 8 R5 Resistor Fixed Composition 100 ohm 5 1 4W A B CB1015 8 R6 Resistor Fixed Composition ZZ0 K ohm r5 1 4W A B CB2245 2 R7 Same as R...

Страница 82: ...R4 R23 Same as R8 R24 Resistor Fixed Composition 4 3 K ohm 5 1 4W A B CB43Z5 1 R25 Same as R5 RZ6 Same as R9 RZ7 Same as R14 RZ8 Same as R8 R29 Same as R5 R30 Resistor Fixed Composition 47 K ohm 5 1...

Страница 83: ...ER IF 210 20 SYM OR I T E M Y l NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION M F R PART NO QTY REQ Crystal Unit Quartz 19 75 mc Peizo CR 64 U 1 Y 2 Crystal Unit Quartz 1 65 mc McCoy M25 1 b 2 3 Courtesy of http BlackR...

Страница 84: as C8 CIO Capacitor Dipped Mica 360 pf 5 500 vdc Arco DM10 361J 2 C i l Capacitor Dipped Mica Z70 pf 5 500 vdc Arco DM10 271J 1 C I 2 Same as C8 C13 Same as C8 C14 Same as C8 C15 Capacitor Dipped M...

Страница 85: ...DM10 220J 2 C33 Capacitor Disc Ceramic 30 pf 500 vdc N750 Sprague 40C533 2 C34 Same as C33 C35 Same as C32 C36 Same as CIO C37 Capacitor Dipped Mica 330 pf 5 500 vdc Arco DM10 331J 1 C38 Same as C8 C3...

Страница 86: ...nductor Variable A C L AC 257 10 4 L 4 Same as L3 L 5 Same as L3 L 6 Inductor Fixed Molded 4700 uh 10 Nytronics WEE 4700 1 L 7 Same as L3 L 8 Inductor Variable A C L AC 257 9 2 L 9 Same as L8 L 1 0 In...

Страница 87: ...4 Watt A B CB4735 5 R7 Resistor Fixed Composition 100 ohm 5 1 4 Watt A B CB1015 6 R8 Resistor Fixed Composition 1 5 K ohm 5 1 4 Watt A B CB1525 1 R9 Same as R6 RIO Same as R6 R l l Same as R4 R12 Res...

Страница 88: ...Resistor Fixed Composition 24 K ohm 5 l 4Watt A B CB2435 1 R29 Same as R 3 R30 Same as R 3 R31 Same as R20 R32 Resistor Variable 1 Meg ohm 20 Beckman 62PR1M 1 R33 Resistor Fixed Composition 100 K ohm...

Страница 89: ...uf 20 35v 81349 CS13AF100M C6 Capacitor Tantalum Electrolytic 0 1 uf 20 35v Sprague 150D104X0035A2 C7 Capacitor Tantalum Electrolytic 1 uf 20 35v Sprague 150D105X0035A2 CRI Diode Silicon Sylvania 1N46...

Страница 90: ...5 1 4W A R CB4735 3 R7 Same as R6 R8 Resistor Fxd Composition 6 2 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB6225 1 R9 Resistor Fxd Composition 82 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB8235 2 RIO Resistor Variable 50 K ohms 2Q Bourns 3068P...

Страница 91: ...sistor T I 2N335 Q2 Transistor T I 2N708 Q3 Transistor T I 2N697 R l Resistor Fixed Composition 30 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB3035 RZ Resistor Fixed Composition 4 7 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB4725 R3 Resistor Fixed...

Страница 92: ...7 n_ 20 20 wvdc Sprague CS13AF470M 150D476X0020R2 3 C6 Same as C5 C7 Same as C5 i Ql Transistor T I 2N697 4 Q2 Same as Ql 0 3 Same as Ql Q4 Same as Ql Rl Resistor Fixed Composition 2 Kohms 5 l 4w A B...

Страница 93: ...d Composition 240 ohms 5 l 4w A B CB2415 2 R l l S me as RIO R 1 2 Same as R9 R13 Resistor Variatie 1000 ohms 20 l 4w 3067P 1 102 PI A Resistor Fixed Composition 1 K ohms 5 l 4w A 3 CB1025 1 n Transfo...

Страница 94: ...2N697 2 Q2 Same as Ql Q3 Transistor T I 2N335 4 Q4 Same as Q3 Q5 Same as Q3 Q6 Same as Q3 R l Resistor Fxd Composition 10 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB1035 4 RZ Resistor Fxd Composition 100 K ohms 5 1 4W A B C...

Страница 95: ...R I Diode Zener PSI IN754A 1 Z l Diode Bridge Encapsulated Motorola MDA 920 3 1 F l Fuse 3 4 Amp instrument Little Fuse 3617750 Q l Transistor Silicon T I TI486 1 Q2 Transistor Silicon T I 2N7 08 1 R...

Страница 96: ...Ceramic Disc 0 01 uf 20 Sprague 19C214 1 C 3 Same as C 1 C R I Diode Rectifier 1N717A 2 C R 2 Same as CRI F l Fuse Instrument 3 4 Amp L i t t l e Fuse 361 750 1 Q l Transistor T I TI486 1 R l Resistor...

Страница 97: ...position 33 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB3335 1 R3 Same as R 1 R4 Resistor Fxd Composition 100 K ohms 5 1 4W A B CB1045 1 R5 Resistor Fxd Composition 10 ohms 5 1 4W A B CB1005 1 R6 Resistor Fxd Composition 5 1...

Страница 98: ...urns Bourns Inc Trimpot Division 1200 Columbia Avenue Riverside Californis Cannon ITT Cannon Electric Company 3208 Humboldt Street Los Angeles California CTC Cambridge Thermionic Corporation 445 Conco...

Страница 99: ...Corp 12900 Foothill Boulevard San Frando California Hubbell Harvey Hubbell Inc State St Bostwick Ave Bridgeport Connecticut Littelfuse Littelfuse Inc 800 E Northwest Hwy Des Plaines Illinois McCoy Mc...

Страница 100: ...520 Aviation Blvd Lawndale California Quality Components Inc St Marys Pennsylvania Sprague Electric Company 125 Marshall Street North Adams Massachusetts Swcrft Sylvania Switchraft Inc 5537 N Elston A...

Страница 101: ...SECTION VII ILLUSTRATIONS AND SCHEMATICS 7 1 Courtesy of http BlackRadios terryo org...

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