Roll over Warning
Because of the higher center of gravity and the narrower track of this
vehicle, it may roll over when some other vehicles may not.
Do not attempt sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers or other unsafe driving
actions that can cause loss of vehicle control and possible roll over.
Failure to operate this vehicle safely may result in an accident, roll over,
and serious injury or death.
Because of its open-body construction, your vehicle offers less
protection than closed vehicles in the event of an accident.
The top is not designed to carry any additional loads such as roof racks,
spare tires, building, hunting, or camping supplies, and/or luggage, etc.
Also, it was not designed as a structural member of the vehicle, and thus
cannot properly carry any additional loads other than environmental (rain,
snow, etc.)
Copyright © 2012-2015 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.