is operated as a 72-volt unit with six (6) 12-Volt batteries.
The batteries are specially designed and produced for use in an electric vehicle.
If the batteries need to be replaced at any time for any reason, do not use
automotive batteries. New batteries usually will not deliver their full capabilities until
they have been discharged and recharged 15 to 30 times. To obtain maximum
service life on your batteries, be sure to fully charge them prior to using the vehicle
for the first time and maintain proper fluid levels in all batteries.
Battery Care
To keep the batteries in top working condition, this maintenance program should be
followed on a regular basis:
1. The batteries should always be kept clean and corrosion free. The tops
and terminals should be cleaned with a solution of one cup of baking
soda per gallon of water. Before rinsing the batteries make sure the caps
to the batteries are tight so that the cleaning solution does not enter the
Please be sure to dispose of any waste water properly.
2. The fluid level in the batteries should be checked on a weekly basis.
If fluid needs to be added, it should only be done after the batteries have
been charged unless the top of the plates are visible prior to charging.
Then, you should add just enough water to cover the tops of the plates,
charge the batteries and finally check the water level again.
After using your golf cart for any period of time, the batteries should be
If battery wire terminals are damaged or corroded, they should be
replaced or cleaned as necessary.
Failure to do so may cause them to overheat during operation.
The battery pack is at a high voltage.
High voltage is always present at the battery terminals.
Never touch the battery terminals when performing battery
maintenance procedures.
Copyright © 2016 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.