Страница 1: ...jury FeadtheSaiety Precautions andwamings contained within orlortooperating thismac rine ACEINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS PORTABLE AIRCLEANER INSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODEL 73 600 ACEINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS A DlvblonOt Assoclated Equlpment Corporation 5043FadinAvenue SLLouis MO 63115 PHONE 31 385 5178 FAX 314 3Bs 3254 ...
Страница 2: ...ot allowinghose Inletto contactany bodyar a such as yes ars mouth otc CAUTION LtFTtNG lmproper liftingor handling of this unit could causobackInjury Followthe recomm nded method for lifting CAUTION ArRFLOWBLOCKAGE Sinca xhaustair loav s e end of this unil cautionshouldbe obs rvodnot to positionunit in sucfia wayas to blockthe oxhausl MTSCELLANEOUS CAUTIONS 1 Usoof anvattachment not tscomm nded or ...
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Страница 5: ...26 DESCFIMON NUMFEF MAINFILTER 95 bagfilter w frame MAINFILTER 95 bagfilterw oframe VACUUMGAUGE V BELT 65034 BLOWER ASSEMBLy 6503s 2 PRE FILTER requires 2 prcfilters 91 993 91 994 91 989 I 10 It 12 14 AFM ASSEMBLY INCLUOES HqSE ANDSASE 6so28 REPLACEMENT HOSE HOSEONLY 6sO S S WIVEL CASIER pkg ol 1 65030 FtXEo CASTm pks of1 _ 65 r lLANDtE 65032 POWERCORD 65033 RECEPTACLE SEEPAGEOFOREXPLODED VIEW Pao...
Страница 6: ...MODEL 73 600EXPLODED VIEW PagoAol6 Bd lel 9027 0378 ...