AcuLink 810 Data Aquisition Server
V: 1.0 Revised: May. 2019
1. Overview
The AcuLink 810 is an intelligent data acquisition server and gateway that allows users to
collect data from all Accuenergy meters, sensors and other third party devices.
The AcuLink collects and logs time-stamped data from connected downstream devices (se-
rial or Ethernet), and is able to store this data locally in non volatile memory. When using
Ethernet it is possible to push or pull data using HTTP or FTP protocols as well as pushing
data to different web-based energy management systems or any front end software plat
form. There is no software required for the AcuLink as all configuration is done from the
gateways web interface.
2. Functional Description
2.1 Hardware Specifications
• Disk Capacity: 8 GB RAM
• Interval Recording: 1-1440 minutes, user selectable
• LEDs: Power, Ethernet, WiFi, Modbus TX/RX, AcuMesh
2.2 Power
Power Supply: 24VDC, 500mA
This unit is to be sourced by a Class 2 power supply with the following output:
24VDC, 500mA min not to exceed 8A.
Isolation: RJ45 Ethernet 1500Vrms
RS485 2500Vrms
Digital Input 5000Vrms