InstructIon Manual
Thank you for your purchase of this quality watch. The utmost care has gone into the design and manufacture of your
watch. Please read these instructions carefully and store them in a safe place for future reference.
What Is atoMIc radIo control?
The most precise time keeping device on earth is the atomic clock. It keeps time to the accuracy of better than 1 second
for every million years. The atomic clock is a huge piece of scientific equipment and it is so expensive that it is normally
found in laboratories and standards institutions etc. Thanks to the latest technology, the accuracy of the atomic clock is
now brought to your home. The radio station is broadcasting electronically encoded time signals based on an atomic clock
from an antenna in Mainflingen of Germany (DCF version) or Anthorn of UK (MSF version) to cover the mainland of
their country. The signal is picked up by the radio receiver circuit in your watch, and is then decoded to synchronize the
time to within a split of a second precision. The radio signal automatically sets the calendar and daylight saving or standard
time too.
Fig.1 Atomic radio controlled time signal transmission and reception
InItIal actIvatIon
Your new watch may be shipped from the factory in the “OFF” mode (all hands at 12:00 position) with crown pull out to
save battery life. To activate it, simply press the crown back to normal position and then press Button (B) for UK (MSF
signal) or Button (C) for EU (DCF signal) to SYNC for the accurate time for UK or EU.