x-sessioncookie: string[22]
accept: application/x-vvtk-tunnelled
pragma: no-cache
cache-control: no-cache
------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST /cgi-
bin/admin/ ctrlevent.cgi
x-sessioncookie: string[22]
content-type: application/x-vvtk-tunnelled pragma
: no-cache
cache-control : no-cache
content-length: 32767
expires: Sun, 9 Jam 1972 00:00:00 GMT
User must use GET and POST to establish two channels for downstream and upstream. The x-sessioncookie in the GET
and POST should be the same to be recognized as a pair for one session. The contents of upstream should be base64
encoded to be able to pass through some proxy server.
This channel will help to do real-time event notification and control. The event and control format are described in
another document.
Get SDP of Streamings
This request requires viewer access privilege
“m” is the stream number.
“network_accessname_<0~(m-1)>” is the accessname for stream “1” to stream “m”. Please refer to the
“subgroup of network: rtsp” for setting the accessname of SDP. You can
get the SDP by HTTP GET method.