[57] wAppLoxx Pro Control Plus Complete
Key lock plan
Authorisations are assigned in the wAppLoxx Pro Plus System using a locking plan matrix.
The assignments and access rights are issued simply by clicking on the relevant checkbox.
The following selection options appear when you click on one of the checkboxes:
Grant general permission: Access authorisation is granted for the selected door group and
its subordinate groups.
Grant single permission:
Access authorisation is granted for the selected door group.
Delete permission:
Access authorisation is removed from the selected door group
and all subordinate groups.
Example (see above)
Double tick (group permission) by the “Management team” user group at the company’s top
hierarchy level. This means that the management team has access authorisation for all doors
in the company and has access authorisation for all sub-
groups. A single tick by the “IT
department” user group and “IT department” door group. This means that the users of the
door group only have access auth
orisation for the “Server room” door.